>Hundreds of pounds of cocaine seized at the Port of Baltimore
>Hundreds of pounds of cocaine seized at the Port of Baltimore
>This sends shivers down my spine.
Funny, it sends blood to my fists (and my penis)
War when?
>Martha McSally on Roy Moore's new Senate run
So, I'm not saying she's wrong about Roy Mooreโhe's pretty fucking unelectable at this point. But I am becoming more and more glad McSally didn't win her senate race. Despite being a Leftist, Sinema has a decent voting record so far, and McSally is looking more and more NeoCon by the day.
>if you need to ask you're not paying attention Anon
You're correct. But it wouldn't hurt to help catch him up on things he might have missed. Different anons have different amounts of time available to do this shit.
The Great Awakening
Your patience and assistance are greatly appreciated.
Possible fuckery, Q's present silence leaves the door open for wild theories like this. Until we hear from Q again, we're going to have to deal with these kind of posts. And who knows, maybe Q was Kappy or some shit like that, or Kushner. A few weeks before we stopped seeing Q posts, I made the post from the attached screencap because I sort of smelled a Q disappearance comingโฆ But overall I hope it's not true. I'm here every day and a few times a day on my phone checking qmap.pub hoping to see a new drop.
This period could correspond with the period of darkness leading up to July 4th, maybe? Only time will tell.
>Finkelstein shill still trying hard.
>Q still not a Nazi movement.
I hate that guy too, and I agree we are absolutely not a Nazi\Anti-Jewish movement. But we ARE exhorted to think for ourselves. Discussions about Jewish supremacists and Jewish collective power cannot automatically lead to one being labeled as a nazi or a white supremacist or an anti-semite. Truth is what it is. And we must always face it, no matter how unpleasant.
>Capital letters for the first one adds up to: 54 Simple gematria.
Can you explain to an idiot why you think Gematria is of any importance whatsoever; why does it matter to you? Why do you spend time on it at all? It seems like pointless made up bullshit to me, like sudoku. I want your opinion on why it's worth my time.
>exposed yourself shill shitposter
I just checked your other posts in this bread. You are saying "muhjoo"
You are JIDF, period. Don't fucking call me a shill, your pants are on fire. Only JIDF niggers say "muhjoo" you may as well have started saying "kayfabe"
>and the truth is you are a muhjoo shitposter
>faggot also
You are JIDF, I thereby name the jew. Eat shit and die.
>Does anyone NOT believe Hasidic Jews slaughter Christian children?
I question whether any of that is true, but I think it's valid to discuss the evidence. Like you said, what makes me hate Finkelshill is that he spams the same shit for thousands of breads in a row and I'm well beyond sick of it and not interested at all.
>does anyone believe this nonsense?
On that we agree (still think you're a JIDF nigger) but I still think it's valid to discuss it and that you mossad faggots spend so much energy trying to prevent the discussion is hilarious and adorable.
>notice how the only posts mentioning JIDF are the muhjoos?
>cuz its bullshit like all their posts
>so obvious it glows
No. I do notice that only the mossad\JIDF faggots ever, EVER say "muhjoo"
Everyone else just spells out the word Jew. You guys have some kind of aversion to doing so and your only weapon is trying to ridicule anyone who discusses Jewish supremacists. It doesn't work, no one believes you. Kike
>Q is a team of people.
>Less than 10.
Yar, but until we hear from Q again we're going to have to put up with bizarre theories explaining his silence. Back when it was only in the 10-15 day ballpark I could say "Q has gone silent for this long before, just fucking relax." but this is now Q's longest absence since the beginning, so I can't use that one anymore. I too and beginning to look for an explanation. No, I don't really think Q was Kappy, but I'm definitely in the market for an explanation of where he has gone.
>it never does
>oldest lies on record
Yeap, but I think anons can come to that conclusion on their own. Finkelshit's posts definitely did not stop me from eating Sausage McMuffins. If there's baby meat in them, oh well, it's probably not much and it tastes pretty good for the price.
People trying to ridicule and prevent the discussion are getting in the way of others thinking for themselves, and anyone using the term "muhjoo" to ridicule others looks strongly like a JIDF nigger because no one else has such a vested interest in stopping these discussions. The rest is just free speech, it has to exist and it has to carry on.
>so you will push everyshit you read somewhere about it ?
>nice job ignoring the 1 thing that counts here, sauce
In absence of any good evidence to explain it, speculation about theories is a good way to gather some hypotheses to begin testing them against reality to see if they hold water. Naturally, that one doesn't, and my post certainly doesn't say Q WAS DEFINITELY KAPPY. It says "maybe Q was Kappy or some shit like that, or Kushner."
If you call that "pushing", I don't know what to tell you. If you've got some sauce explaining Q's absence I would be overjoyed to discuss it with you.
>So I think it will be after a new Iran deal appears that we'll hear from Q again.
That's a plausible and interesting theory; we know "disinfo is necessary" because bad actors also read (and unfortunately, post on) these boards. I definitely feel like the current Iran crisis will have major, major repercussions for the entire world, as it could easily lead to a global nuclear war. So I just hope the good guys have a handle on this and a plan to keep Pompeo and the Israel lobby from getting what they want.
>Last drops will be on Q's board. Then gone.
I have always been hoping for all those placeholder posts to get used. They are kind of a tease!
>Why's everyone so concerned? We were here before Q and we'll be here after.
That's true, of course, but we've become addicted to the validation that Q provides.
You got me anon, I eat babies. Oh well, I had a good run. Please fuck off and die!
>True Anon. Forgive my oversight.
Nice breakdown, that's the kind of shit I like to see. Thank you for taking the time while I've been busy arguing with the "muh muhjoo" posters that I can't seem to ignore.
>Learn to relax anon. you will never, never, second guess Q team.
I'm tryin'!
>I see enough good shit happening and being exposed [NXIVM for example] that I don't need a Q drop to let me know that stuff is happening.
Oh yes. Shit is definitely happening. I just miss Q specifically, that's all. I'm of the opinion that Q has actually made some non-tripcode posts here and there, but of course I can't prove that those posts were from Q.
> was successful and will be proven to be successful
God willing!
>cuz you are a muhjoo shitposter
No more time for you, man. Maybe you're JIDF and maybe not, but if you're so obsessed with calling people who discuss the JQ shills, it's hard not to see you that way. Either way, I don't think you and I are going to have any productive discussions as we differ significantly on a fundamental level.
>thatยดs a good way to waste your time on something you can neither prove or deny (not knowing who Q is makes your approach idotic)
>but you do you
I don't consider it wasted if it's at least slightly entertaining or if it gives us the chance to stumble on a more plausible idea through our discussions, and I have to be honest that your insults are not a very convincing
motivator. At least you mean well, though.
>She will never be arrested.
>She would drink the Hemlock first.
Depends how successfully they can surprise her and get her in handcuffs! If she doesn't see it coming, she doesn't have time to take the coward's way out.