Iran knows that b/c of the USA sanctions and the termoil in their country, know if they don't hit Israel soon with their proxies they will never have another chance…
Being backed up like and the problems they have will force them to strike Israel now.. You can see them working fast to get ready the invasion …
More and more you can see the evils all over the world attacking Christianity and knowing the Bible you can see where we will have to fight for our LORD and quite possibly die…
Thank you LORD for sending Jesus and believing in him without proof and by faith alone will save us from the future war that is coming..
War between the people of Jesus and all others who want us dead.. We fight alone against Communism, Islam , Satanists, and many more Christian haters… WHY ? Because Christians are not servants of the state but of GOD. WE ARE NOW BEG|INNING THE LAST BOOK OF THE BIBLE…..