Anyone who truly believes the Q drops are "sanctioned" would want to read them all. The board and Twtr daily exposes how many get it and how many are just sniffing around with their interest piqued.
Anyone who truly believes the Q drops are "sanctioned" would want to read them all. The board and Twtr daily exposes how many get it and how many are just sniffing around with their interest piqued.
5 Dec 2017 - 1:26:34 PM
Banks control Gov'ts
Gov'ts control people
SA controls elected people.
SOROS controls organizations of people.
Ready to play?
Q confirmed Keystone way back in #271
Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key
POTUS and Patriots = stone
Keystone explained
5 Dec 2017 - 1:01:30 PM
Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)
Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info
One of my favorites…
30 Nov 2017 - 9:46:51 PM
Hussein is evil and a real loser.
No special treatment.
Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.
Morons, all of them.
Any truth to the Kappy Dead Man Switch getting released. A guy named Titus Frost - @imperatortruth claims to have it. Asking for help opening it.