Q is not over. The question has not been asked.
Q is not over. The question has not been asked.
>Why the fuck doesn't anyone ask it? Any anon at a rally, any media personality, HANNITY could ask it FFS. Why does no one ask "Who is Q?" "Is Q real?"
Because it is not time.
As far as your PB comments…There is no way that someone like Kappy is Q. How would he have been able to post so many pics, (from Las Vegas to Vietnam) that matched POTUS' schedule? He couldn't have. Q has repeatedly proven that they are an insider, and close to POTUS.
The plan to destroy America is over a century old, and it was to culminate with Hillary as the closer…POTUS and Q cannot take down a plan decades in motion, in two short years.
>If someone was gonna ask it, they would have by now.
Flawed logic. First of all, POTUS was already asked the question once, but it was too early on for him to answer with any resolution. The person asked (not verbatim), "Have you heard of Q, and are they real?"
POTUS responded (not verbatim), "I don't know. I've heard that they are some great people. I can say that much."
>Even the Fake News media outlets have gone away from attacking Q.
Just because they have let up and are not attacking us with 30 articles a day, doesn't mean much. The individual reporters within the Fake News Media are treading water, waiting to see what side they will come down on. But rest assured, if they are told to start attacking again, many will follow orders like a dog told to sit. Look at how people like Rivera have come around…Although he is still sitting on the fence, his taint is sore and ultimately, these people will seek to save their own credibility/career, and we simply have not reached that point yet.