Anonymous ID: ef1f10 June 25, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6840686   🗄️.is đź”—kun

We should not forget that the secret Star Chamber FISA court is complicit in all this.


They MUST know that the warrants they automatically rubber-stamp are ill-gotten political spy authorizations.


They approved “MOTIONS TO SPY” on hillary’s opponent, without any hearings, or questioning about the probable cause for the spying on an elected President.


The FISC never disciplined the attorneys or oath-swearers for withholding information about fraud on the FISC, and never withdrew the fraudulently-obtained warrants to spy on PDJT.


Absolutely astounding corruption by a secret court, as a separate branch of government, with an extra-heavy duty to protect 4th Amendment constitutional rights because the defendants are not represented.


And with a “2-hop rule” in a political campaign organization, this is thousands of innocent people the FISC willy-nilly authorized to be spied on.


The FISC MUST know that it is complicit in political spying, with the thousands of FISA warrants it has issued during the obama administration.


The current FISC judges need to be replaced. And the “2-hop” rule needs to be curtailed.