Unlock your doors. Put a sign up outside that says "come in if your homeless"…
Homeless walk in eventually…
That's America.
Unlock your doors. Put a sign up outside that says "come in if your homeless"…
Homeless walk in eventually…
That's America.
Being a straight white man in an overwhelming blue state surrounded by non whites is not my idea of a great country. There is literally no social cohesion or sense of community. Not to mention elections will be impossible to win if the demographics continue in this manner. This is not a nation. This is just an economic zone and nothing but that.
Guess who doesn't have a racism/immigration/anti semitism problem…
What did we learn?
Blacks are notorious sucker punchers and attack in packs. The white dude actually probably was going to get sucker punched because he stupidly was not looking at the black guy. Black guy was in the guys personal space and was acting threatening.
He got dropped. End of story. Worldstar!!!
How absolutely dare you assume gender!!!
Seriously wow just wow it's 2019!!!
He only took the Jews and commies guns.