#3731 Predestination: The “Natural” Man “Receiveth” Not Spiritual Things- You Cannot Accept Christ.. until after you are born again.
Say wasn't it shills who stated JFK Jr. was still alive?
If this was a done by shills, the MSM is running with a shill slide?????????????
But seperation of church and state I recall reading was in a LETTER penned by Jefferson. It isn't in the consitution.
R.I.F Reading is Fundamental. (for clarification)
>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
This is what caught my attention shall make NO law respecting extablishment of religion or PROHIBIT the exercise thereof….
So they can't stop me from exercising my right to worship in my faith… but they ALSO can't make laws to stop me from exercising my right..
(If I'm understanding correctly..)