Gotcha baker, handoff confirmed?
yeah, saw the discussion at the end of bred, too
Have a great night, see ya tomorrow, o7.
You bet, let the distractions begin!
Baker, I'm glad to hand it over to you. Waited a bit to see if someone would step up. If you want this bred, it's yours. Or NB.
Never had such a fast night bred, tho. But better redheads than red hats!
Ah, I see. Yes, Tues you're not usually around, yes? I'm good, we'll see if I can do another, did a big bred earlier, but so far, comfy.
>https ://
Notes @330
>>6842940 Hannity-Manafort text messages (organized collection)
>>6842984 Mueller will testify before joint Nadler and Schiff led-Committees on July 17
>>6843067 NY Post scrubbed Carroll's rape report against Trump, citing "unnamed sources"
>>6843090 SF first city to ban e-cigarettes
>>6843091 "It's about the break": 2 things you can't do (one is pocket the Q ball)
>>6843100, >>6843111, >>6843245 New DJT: "Presidential Harassment!"
>>6843102, >>6843138 Wapo: "New WH press sec'y brings a combative style to the job"
>>6843118 Tesla has enough orders to set delivery record
>>6843140 Cali woman wins large settlement in CPS incident where son as taken, given 13 vaccines
>>6843164 Yankees unveil plaque honoring Stonewall "uprising"
>>6843169, >>6843199 12 Tribes / Yellow DeliDIGG, con't.
>>6843241 AOC Slammed for ‘Staging’ Photo Shoot Outside Migrant Facility (good tweet/pic collection; InfoWars)
>>6843210, >>6843257 Russian 6.4 earthquake
See something missing, lemme know, anon frens
Got a link, anon?
thx anon, added
Anyone want to cap this or at least grab the photo? Looks good, doesn't she? NOT CURRENT.
>>6843394 RBG sighting (at an event to judge Electra, ancient Greek tragic heroine–photo is NOT current, from 2018)
thx anon, posted.
Notes @450
>>6842940 Hannity-Manafort text messages (organized collection)
>>6842984 Mueller will testify before joint Nadler and Schiff led-Committees on July 17
>>6843067 NY Post scrubbed Carroll's rape report against Trump, citing "unnamed sources"
>>6843090 SF first city to ban e-cigarettes
>>6843091 "It's about the break": 2 things you can't do (one is pocket the Q ball)
>>6843100, >>6843111, >>6843245, >>6843356, >>6843363 New DJT: "Presidential Harassment!" (plus anons' responses)
>>6843102, >>6843138 Wapo: "New WH press sec'y brings a combative style to the job"
>>6843118 Tesla has enough orders to set delivery record
>>6843140 Cali woman wins large settlement in CPS incident where son as taken, given 13 vaccines
>>6843164 Yankees unveil plaque honoring Stonewall "uprising"
>>6843169, >>6843199 12 Tribes / Yellow DeliDIGG, con't.
>>6843241 AOC Slammed for ‘Staging’ Photo Shoot Outside Migrant Facility (good tweet/pic collection; InfoWars)
>>6843210, >>6843257 Russian 6.4 earthquake
>>6843307 House Dems who voted against border funding: AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib
>>6843330 US Southern Cmd: Commander Adm. Craig Faller in Chle to meet w/defense leaders
>>6843327, >>6843404 WH Press release: POTUS signed "Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019" - extending them Agent Orange coverage
>>6843345 Boatfag report
>>6843358 Rep. Duncan Hunter paid for affairs with campaign cash (kek)
>>6843371 Retweet of militaryinfo tweet: NK sees US extension against NK as an "act of extreme hostility" (what's up, guys?)
>>6843373 Sixth Fleet announces Sea Breeze 2019 participation
>>6843378 POTUS Schedule for Wed, June 26
>>6843394 RBG sighting (at an event to judge Electra, ancient Greek tragic heroine–photo is NOT current, from 2018)
RBG sighting
Picture from Nov. 2018
got a 404 on that link, anon
Baker feeling a bit wonky, seeks handoff next bread
Might NOT be a really long bread, if this one ends by 9:30 or so, last night's was just 2 hours.
oh, i see….it's says 404 but links are live, weird.
Notes @590
>>6842940 Hannity-Manafort text messages (organized collection)
>>6842984 Mueller will testify before joint Nadler and Schiff led-Committees on July 17
>>6843067 NY Post scrubbed Carroll's rape report against Trump, citing "unnamed sources"
>>6843090 SF first city to ban e-cigarettes
>>6843091 "It's about the break": 2 things you can't do (one is pocket the Q ball)
>>6843100, >>6843111, >>6843245, >>6843356, >>6843363 New DJT: "Presidential Harassment!" (plus anons' responses)
>>6843102, >>6843138 Wapo: "New WH press sec'y brings a combative style to the job"
>>6843118 Tesla has enough orders to set delivery record
>>6843140, >>6843478, >>6843525 Vaccine news: Cali woman wins large settlement in CPS incident where son as taken, given 13 vaccines, landmark vaccine case
>>6843164 Yankees unveil plaque honoring Stonewall "uprising"
>>6843169, >>6843199, >>6843494 12 Tribes / Yellow Deli DIGG, con't.
>>6843241 AOC Slammed for ‘Staging’ Photo Shoot Outside Migrant Facility (good tweet/pic collection; InfoWars)
>>6843210, >>6843257 Russian 6.4 earthquake
>>6843307 House Dems who voted against border funding: AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib
>>6843330 US Southern Cmd: Commander Adm. Craig Faller in Chile to meet w/defense leaders
>>6843327, >>6843404 WH Press release: POTUS signed "Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019" - extending them Agent Orange coverage
>>6843345, >>6843506 Boatfag reports
>>6843358 Rep. Duncan Hunter paid for affairs with campaign cash (kek)
>>6843371 Retweet of militaryinfo tweet: NK sees US extension against NK as an "act of extreme hostility" (what's up, guys?)
>>6843373 Sixth Fleet announces Sea Breeze 2019 participation
>>6843378 POTUS Schedule for Wed, June 26
>>6843394, >>6843481 RBG sighting (at an event to judge Electra, ancient Greek tragic heroine–photo is NOT current, from 2018)
>>6843429 China asks Canada to suspend all meat exports after finding bogus vet health certificates in pork batch
>>6843441 Sheriff's say marijuana legalization is causing more crime / accidents
>>6843483 Illuminati symbols with links
Notes @650, last call
>>6842940 Hannity-Manafort text messages (organized collection)
>>6842984, >>6843582 Mueller will testify before joint Nadler and Schiff led-Committees on July 17
>>6843067 NY Post scrubbed Carroll's rape report against Trump, citing "unnamed sources"
>>6843090 SF first city to ban e-cigarettes
>>6843091 "It's about the break": 2 things you can't do (one is pocket the Q ball)
>>6843100, >>6843111, >>6843245, >>6843356, >>6843363 New DJT: "Presidential Harassment!" (plus anons' responses)
>>6843102, >>6843138 Wapo: "New WH press sec'y brings a combative style to the job"
>>6843118 Tesla has enough orders to set delivery record
>>6843140, >>6843478, >>6843525 Vaccine news: Cali woman wins large settlement in CPS incident where son as taken, given 13 vaccines, landmark vaccine case
>>6843164 Yankees unveil plaque honoring Stonewall "uprising"
>>6843169, >>6843199, >>6843494 12 Tribes / Yellow Deli DIGG, con't.
>>6843241 AOC Slammed for ‘Staging’ Photo Shoot Outside Migrant Facility (good tweet/pic collection; InfoWars)
>>6843210, >>6843257 Russian 6.4 earthquake
>>6843307 House Dems who voted against border funding: AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib
>>6843330 US Southern Cmd: Commander Adm. Craig Faller in Chile to meet w/defense leaders
>>6843327, >>6843404 WH Press release: POTUS signed "Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019" - extending them Agent Orange coverage
>>6843345, >>6843506 Boatfag reports
>>6843358 Rep. Duncan Hunter paid for affairs with campaign cash (kek)
>>6843371 Retweet of militaryinfo tweet: NK sees US extension against NK as an "act of extreme hostility" (what's up, guys?)
>>6843373 Sixth Fleet announces Sea Breeze 2019 participation
>>6843378 POTUS Schedule for Wed, June 26
>>6843394, >>6843481 RBG sighting (at an event to judge Electra, ancient Greek tragic heroine–photo is NOT current, from 2018)
>>6843429 China asks Canada to suspend all meat exports after finding bogus vet health certificates in pork batch
>>6843441 Sheriff's say marijuana legalization is causing more crime / accidents
>>6843483 Illuminati symbols with links
>>6843569 AF Research Lab: B.A.T.M.A.N. team tested #AFRL, developed enhanced comm. tech at #CampAtterbury (linked to Q 1001?)
Baker seeks handoff NB, does not want to ghost this early, but must leave
Anons, please someone step up, at least a note-taker if no baker available
Two hour (plus a little) bread
thanks baker, that's a relief.
last bred maybe not this bred (unless I missed it)
#8752 baker change
>>6842940 Hannity-Manafort text messages (organized collection)
>>6842984, >>6843582 Mueller will testify before joint Nadler and Schiff led-Committees on July 17
>>6843067 NY Post scrubbed Carroll's rape report against Trump, citing "unnamed sources"
>>6843090 SF first city to ban e-cigarettes
>>6843091 "It's about the break": 2 things you can't do (one is pocket the Q ball)
>>6843100, >>6843111, >>6843245, >>6843356, >>6843363 New DJT: "Presidential Harassment!" (plus anons' responses)
>>6843102, >>6843138 Wapo: "New WH press sec'y brings a combative style to the job"
>>6843118 Tesla has enough orders to set delivery record
>>6843140, >>6843478, >>6843525 Vaccine news: Cali woman wins large settlement in CPS incident where son as taken, given 13 vaccines, landmark vaccine case
>>6843164 Yankees unveil plaque honoring Stonewall "uprising"
>>6843169, >>6843199, >>6843494 12 Tribes / Yellow Deli DIGG, con't.
>>6843241 AOC Slammed for ‘Staging’ Photo Shoot Outside Migrant Facility (good tweet/pic collection; InfoWars)
>>6843210, >>6843257 Russian 6.4 earthquake
>>6843307 House Dems who voted against border funding: AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib
>>6843330 US Southern Cmd: Commander Adm. Craig Faller in Chile to meet w/defense leaders
>>6843327, >>6843404 WH Press release: POTUS signed "Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019" - extending them Agent Orange coverage
>>6843345, >>6843506 Boatfag reports
>>6843358 Rep. Duncan Hunter paid for affairs with campaign cash (kek)
>>6843371 Retweet of militaryinfo tweet: NK sees US extension against NK as an "act of extreme hostility" (what's up, guys?)
>>6843373 Sixth Fleet announces Sea Breeze 2019 participation
>>6843378 POTUS Schedule for Wed, June 26
>>6843394, >>6843481 RBG sighting (at an event to judge Electra, ancient Greek tragic heroine–photo is NOT current, from 2018)
>>6843429 China asks Canada to suspend all meat exports after finding bogus vet health certificates in pork batch
>>6843441 Sheriffs say marijuana legalization is causing more crime / accidents
>>6843483 Illuminati symbols with links
>>6843569 AF Research Lab: B.A.T.M.A.N. team tested #AFRL, developed enhanced comm. tech at #CampAtterbury (linked to Q 1001?)
>>6843619 US military: 2 US service members killed in Afghanistan (Breaking911)
>>6843679 Democratic leader concedes on Oregon landmark climate bill after GOP boycott (vid)