Maybe buttgieg can make love to all those nipples on Barr
Maybe buttgieg can get his homo from danielfaggot too
Is it a IKEA catalog?
Maybe buttgieg can outsource an ass ferret too for our quantitative easements
I think I farted
I'm not sure it was me
Why did that imaginary fart make danielfaggot horny
I think danielfaggot wants to larp my imaginary fart
He's got those larping eyes from that imaginary fart
My imaginary fart is not sure about danielfaggot
Or his larping
Imaginary fart broke up with danielfaggot's larp five times now
Imaginary farts made a testimonial to a pig with a badge
And 25k clones that were fucked, killed, and eaten dropped out of an FBI file
And another 300k indictments later
Danielfaggot is still larping the imaginary farts that got away
Imaginary farts told pigs with badges that danielfaggot is a queer with a larping problem
And here we are in pedo fascist jargon bot pergatory showing these dumb pedo gold ghosts that cocaine didn't kill them it was the Jews
Your volcano needs more thumbs anon
And the Jews are so full of bullshit they can't even queer meme well
Full of homo
Low in trannys
Trust Schumer brand Gaylord
Full of homo
Low in trannys
Trust Schumer brand Gaylord
Has electrolytes