>Under budget, ahead of schedule
Love that line.
Barlow sauce from last bread.
(Is today "John 3:16, Day of Judgement"?)
>>684079 Compilation of #847
>>684214 More sauce.
>Did you know Barlow was a lifelong member of the Republican Party?
>>684319 Compilation from #845
>>684436 Compilation from #844
>>684439 Lyrics by John Perry Barlow, "Looks Like Rain"
> http ://artsites.ucsc.edu/GDead/agdl/llra.html
Thanks Baker. Have some good rest.
>Grateful Dead - Looks Like Rain - 06/19/76 - Capitol Theatre (OFFICIAL)
Think that everything Barlow wrote had a meaning, and a meaning behind the meaning, and then a meaning behind that meaning.
So think you are onto something here.
Also consider, to think of JPB as a "white hat" or "black hat" and/or a secret agent of the sees eyes ay! is on the level of the
> meaning behind the meaning
Now think one layer deeper, offshore, & beyond his "liberal" persona. More clues in last bread.
>>684319 Compilation from #845
>>684436 Compilation from #844
Suggest watching this video carefully, possibly more than once.
Particularly note the reactions & responses of Jane Handler.
Robert DeNiro Debates Autism's Link To Vaccines | TODAY
>Why do I think so?
Why do I think you think so?
Have some sauce for you from way back right after Q's first mention. Let me see if I can find.
Keep digging Barlow anons.
It's 3:16 dontcha know.
Bill Cooper devoted 2 shows to JFK Jr. murder. Suggest listening to them in sequence.
Yes, listen carefully to his voice when he talks about. Remember this is one of the best actors of our generation.
Also note the time of video and the video publisher and who owns them (and who owns them).
Have to say, feel compassion for his son. His father had a golden opportunity to blow the lid off this whole thing and he was silenced by a ball gag of cheese pizza.
A gilded cage is still a CAGE.
See any similarities?
There is no spoon.
"But it's your own trip, so be my guest."
Most likely all too true. Now consider the word "dad" outside the realm of fathering children.