That particular frog art with the frog in a witches' robe putting a pinch of something in a cauldron is from a kids book. It's another "witch hunt" to figure out which one.
may thine enemies hear bagpipes everywhere.
now the military. are they arresting all the attorneys today?
involvement of high-level government players who made a fortune off of the sky-rocketing overnight growth of Facebook stock on NASDAQ.
original stolen source code – which was given to Mark by Professor James Chandler and IBM.
worst patent thieves in America: James Chandler, Hillary Clinton, David Kappos, Robert Mueller and the rest of the Big-Tech group.
Sheryl Sandberg at Facebook to shut Mark up and stop revealing that Facebook is the tool of the Democrat agenda for globalism, cannot fix the company.
Mark was so happy when Andrew Marshall died not long ago. Mark now takes his orders from Marshall understudies Dick O’Neil and James Baker who run Highlands Group. Chandler also worked for Highlands Group and directed numerous operations working directly with Andrew Marshall and James Baker.
The Facebook operation also coordinated their activities with Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, and the group that gathered around Hillary Clinton’s patent thefts.
only halfway thru …
thank you anon