Thank you baker.
2018-11-07 07:59:00 (UTC+1)
Do you believe in coincidences?
Which (2) House members ran the investigations re: DOJ/FBI etc.?
Gowdy resignation.
What role did he play re: House investigations?
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman
Goodlatte resignation.
What role did he play re: House investigations?
House Judiciary Chairman
House >>Senate
House >>Senate
House >>Senate
Senate Judiciary Chairman
[House of Cards]
military planning at its finest.
2018-09-12 23:43:57 (UTC+1)
military planning at its finest.
Fuck you… Filtered….lol….asshole.
Whilst I'm wandering through a few Q post…..just thought I'd throw these out as a reminder ;-)
2018-08-29 03:57:13 (UTC+1)
If the FAKE Steele Dossier constituted the 'bulk' of the 'facts submitted' to FISC to obtain FISA warrant(s) against POTUS….
Dossier dismissed as FAKE/BASELESS.
If Mueller was appointed as SC based on the Dossier - and the Dossier was proven to be FAKE/DISINFORMATION - and the Dossier was proven to be the 'bulk' of the information submitted to FISC in order to obtain the warrants (+FISA signers 'pre-mediated' neglect to disclose the actual FACTS (lied to)) - then how is Mueller still SC?
BO never called to testify re: Mueller?
Mueller investigating 'Russian Collusion'?
Why would Mueller not contact BO?
BO was the 'BACKCHANNEL' between FBI/DOJ & STEELE.
Why wouldn't Mueller seek testimony?
Mueller: Impeach POTUS operation?
If impeachment is the goal via retake House (midterms), does it still not require a 2/3 vote in the Senate?
What will the [20] FISA 4th warrant disclose?
Trust the plan.
2018-05-20 19:54:04 (UTC+1)
Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets.
Be prepared.
TRUST the plan.
Conspiracy NO MORE.
We are in full control.
2018-05-11 04:43:20 (UTC+1)
Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.
Give him 1 from me too…lol…… Fuck it…flog him….lol.
Try harder… Filtered.
Where was the grammar nazi when i needed him….lol….best be fixing that.
Could be worse.