Executive Heads sign executive orders all the time that pertain to their Departments, and usually refer to them as directives. The most notable Executive Orders are those that originate in the Office of the President of the United States, and apply to to the Executive Branch of the Government. 12333 is well known in the intel community, and oboxo's modification brought with it much fuckery to support liberal goals.
thanks baker
In the private sector, if your boss puts something in writing that directs you to do something in a certain manner… do you do it, or do you feel you have to sign it first in order for it to be binding to you? [individual sovereignty aside as a living breathing human]
for the intel community… there normally was some type of 'coordination' but with the last admin, that was obviously limited to the SpyGate masters coordinating with each other.
Not wanting to ramble, trying to type quickly intelanon
In a normal admin, E.O.s that pertain to the IC are normally coordinated with the 17 Agency Heads prior to implementation to ensure compliance with all laws, and to ensure no inadvertent compromise occurs.
Yep. I'm saying it depends on applicability, and yes there are exceptions to the rules, but POTUS E.O.s generally pertain to enforcement and execution of laws (how to execute, like "how to bake bread") that congress already passed, and rarely tell the executive agencies to not enforce a law, but there are exceptions (like gross exceptions under oboxo admin to include oboxo himself).
The legal or constitutional basis for executive orders has multiple sources. Article Two of the United States Constitution gives the president broad executive and enforcement authority to use their discretion to determine how to enforce the law or to otherwise manage the resources and staff of the executive branch. The ability to make such orders is also based on express or implied Acts of Congress that delegate to the president some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation).
Like both legislative statutes and regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review and may be overturned if the orders lack support by statute or the Constitution.
Under oboxo, Judges in the Judiciary and Lynch rubber stamped the E.O.s, and dismissed cases challenging the E.O.s to accomplish liberal goals. Under Trump, all the activists judges are ruling against Trump and for challenges to Trump's E.O.s to accomplish liberal goals.
I believe Trump and AG Barr were going to declassify the docs… the testimony is in response to that info being put out.
NOW Trump and AG Barr can not declassify until after Mueller testifies. Another delay for declass.
If they declass now prior to Mueller testifying, then Mueller can say whatever he wants about everything and tailor it to the left and lie his ass off under oath… cause there is no other evidence that will prove him wrong.
However, if Mueller testifies first, and then the declass happens, and the resultant declassified documents contradict what he says under oath, then Mueller can be prosecuted/discredited.
$20 says poster can't stay away.
Chilling, absolutely scary tactic being employed on campus as kids just start college
Not sure everyone on the site knows, but this is a Hindi Story, Essay on “Na Rahega Bans na Bajegi Bansuri”, “न रहेगा बाँस न बजेगी बाँसुरी” Hindi Moral Story, Nibandh for Class 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 students.
The best English translation would be "Without the Bamboo, the flute can never be played". I think it's talking about taking the bad with the good [since bamboo is somewhat difficult to harvest and carve, but the tune makes it worth it, or perhaps also because a bamboo rod is a form of punishment].
A good English phrase meaning the same thing would be along the lines of: 'no root, no fruit'
thanks baker
DEMS break laws all the time. HItlery for one violated a specific law over 30,000 times, each federal violation worthy of a minimum of 1 year in prison and a fine. Yeah, the difference is the republican and conservatives are currently sitting in jail… and she's out making money on the speaking circuit.