>>6846006 (lb)
>I cant figure out the Mueller live testimony angle.
Dems have to have a constant legal threat against Trump so that if a DECLAS comes the dems can say Trump is doing it to obstruct justice. Normies still too uninformed to believe otherwise at this point, thinking congress is legit
Trump was baited during the entire SC investigation, including threats of legal action against his kids.
Same old same old, SSDD, etc.
Mueller couldn't pull the trigger in the SC investigation because good guys have the goods on his illegal activities. Same with this. Dems hoping to draw a DECLAS before Mueller hearing date, if not hearing will be postponed. Sara Carter yesterday said IG report was being delayed because of new evidence. That may tie in to this. Dems don't know when hammer will drop and want to force it on their terms.
That's my take.