Muh 40 year professional staff…
Muh twitter feels…
Fuck these idiots.
Muh 40 year professional staff…
Muh twitter feels…
Fuck these idiots.
They're playing clips of Kellyanne. She is so great. They aren't helping their own case.
If they do bring her in, she's going mop the floor with them.
New PDJT tweet!
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
6m6 minutes ago
It was my great honor to speak at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference today in Washington, D.C. Thank you! #RTM2019
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Agreed, but I don't think that the Senior Councilor to the President going on the news violates the Hatch Act. From the get go Kellyanne (and Sarah Sanders) have been in a DEFENSIVE posture against the democrat media war machine bringing total hell to the President, his family, and every single other American with a favorable opinion of his policies.
Kellyanne can go on t.v. and wreck shit and do it with a smile on her face. They are trying to use government to shut her down because they can't take her on face to face. That's what this is about imo.
Based Congressman Higgins.