"You have more than you know"
Been thinking about this. Can this statement be for anons NOW? So many drops look like they were made for the future. The Iran stuff is very surreal to read with what is going on now. I've seen this several times in the month of Q's absence.
I also noticed one drop that said "planned for [3] years. And it got me thinking what if the MAP is a chronologically accurate/order of events given by Q ahead of time?
Think about facebook, google. Drops from a year and a half ago saying MZ would step down, and these tech companies would be brought to justice in certain ways. You even have guys like Comey agreeing with Potus on Huwaei being suspect. Bernie Sanders claiming big tech needs to be broken up. Seems like they're controlled to help build the same idea and news between both sides.
Libs are told what we know, we already know, both come to an agreement on certain situations and news points. That's part of the show?
"You have more than you know" It really would be more than we could possibly know until it happened. Until the events took place at a time yet to happen.