Has anyone here been getting some pretty snarky TRUMP campaign emails to donate and participate? I did and sent back a couple of snarky replies to test the waters. Something just didn't 'feel right'.
Why do I think there is a mole?
I found it 'odd' that $42 was a pre-printed donation amount like it was forced down the viewers throat. Why not $40 or $45?
So twice I donated 5 to make 5:5
After the third email and now O'Keefe's blocked youtube vids on Google agenda to knock out Trump in 2020, I realized this may be subliminal psy-op crap.
Potus 45 = Trump
Potus 42 is Clinton
Look at the screenshots - I plunked in an address that is in tiny print at the end of the emails that is Beverly MA. I didn't think there was strong GOP support help in those Blue New England states.
I even tried to sign my name in support of Trump but it wouldn't let me! I left the block for mobile phone blank (no cell phone) and it refused to allow me to activate the link even though phone is optional. A real pi$$ off.
So there is something fishy going on or they need to change their approach to more viewer friendly vs. compliant.
I think its time Pascale and Laura Trump looks at their IT folks or campaign people. I may be wrong but…….