Anonymous ID: 341e62 June 26, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6847004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7125


They brought it on themselves IMO…I was there beginning in May 2016 and it was the absolute best times I have had on the innerwebs, but T_D was pretty quick to kowtow to plebbit when the going got tough.

Starting with banning discussion of pizzagate, which pushed the research fags like myself out…then I ventured back out of nostalgia prior to the LV shootings and promptly got a 3 day ban for questioning the official narrative. The mod said "T_D doesn't discuss conspiracy theories"…kinda ironic considering getting PDJT elected was a conspiracy theory when I started posting there…and we discussed whatever was relevant.

The most effective push-back was when T_D went dark for 24 hours…imagine what kind of statement they could have made/continue to make without driving the OG's away.