Q-niggers eternally BTFO as they grind down to an unceremonious end.
Everyone's been getting a good look for the last 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq. No one is afraid.
Payable in bitcoins, q-niggers.
>we are stuck with the PLAN and POTUS like it or not - if it fails then here comes martial law
You trumpniggers are fucking delusional. No one is going to put up with your kike occupation any longer, let alone a formal and out-in-the-open one.
Tickity tockity ziggily zoggily
Based. Kike empire continues circling the drain.
A refreshing change of pace from the israeli terrorists we're so familiar with.
He already has. That's why he supports it, moron.
He's probably going to make more impotent threats about trading with Iran.
Got long dicked by actual patriots – not zionist scum – and put out of their misery by Purple Anon.
Why would I be worried about it? I'm not the one false flagging tankers in the Persian Gulf.