Hey Doug, howcome LexisNexis (owned by the frenchies) does same, any changes there. its fucKING case law.1!01.
petey buttigieggermeister was sportin a fresh genital wart this morning a serious close up interview with steph the nvixm kitty kat for msm msnbc and ali the harem shiek.. obscene – really, for shame.
we create code coexist
yo g-20 coverage (please no no's)
must be exhausting
get sum sleep
big happenings 6
caption reads: we hate orange man so bad
biden is missin the muf duff hairdo, fren sayz wez gotz 2pointz outz
msnbc ali needs sum bitchez from his ole nvixm gang to join his ugly bald ass – why exactly does anyone listen to him (besides it's eazy pickenz)???
can sumun get a screenshot of ali w booker heads in the background o this shit show – it's glorious man – Man GLORIOUS
aoc is my fav insta gram mer
mammmerr's got suym nice grannie mammies
sorry biatch youz just got old
sum wons are actually young uns