Anonymous ID: fd40eb June 26, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6846854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6899 >>6902 >>6918 >>6932

Just an opinion


We have always known Ozero was the ultimate authority for all of the anti-Trump actions, regardless of who signed these or other documents. All of Ozero’s lieutenants in DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA were in lockstep with him and are all guilty as Hades.


Easier access to raw SIGINT is what this effort was authorizing in late 2016, January 2017. Was it ever officially authorized? More importantly, has PDJT since removed that authority?


What was it that they all bought into….the money? Or were they truly zealots who thought DJT would destroy the country?


Maybe it was something about “absolute power…” or the “masters of the universe” mindset?


If I understand this correctly, they actually did, in fact, that which they were loudly fantasizing about and attempting to sell in the public square concerning PDJT.


We heard them try, on successive occasions via their favorite MSM outlets and bureaucratic flunkies, to persuade the public with the propaganda, that once sworn in, President Trump would never give up the Oval. They tried to paint him as someone who would stop at nothing, and would shred the U.S. Constitution in order to ensconce himself permanently as the Chief Executive.


They tried to fan the disinformation into the flames of a general public hysteria that would swell nationwide, and disable the Trump Presidency, with the End Game of running President Donald Trump out of D.C. town.


They did this because this is precisely what they wanted, and attempted, for themselves: to rid themselves of term limits on the Executive Branch for The One, and consequently to maintain the Power Structure for the Gang-sters.


Hillary was a shabby, pitiful, pitiable second choice, in the shadow of The One. He supported her vociferously because he believed that he had cast such a long, powerful shadow over the business of The Oval that she would never be able to garner sufficient public support to overcome his influence. And also because he believed that The 1st Black President “trumped” the 1st Female President.


The Obama Presidency was the Revenge Presidency.


It was always obvious, at least to this kiddo scribbling, “and let me be clear about this”, that The One never intended to fully relinquish the behind-the-scenes controls to a President HRC. He maintained a naïve belief that HRC would preside over a 3rd Term for – wait for it – Himself. I believe that the Kalorama HQ was always part of #44’s Post-Prez Plan. He never intended to obey the Law and leave at the end of the #44 Second Term. All machinations were put in place to guarantee the outcome. We are still learning new and horrifying facts that lay out the depth of the attempted, failed coup d’état against our legally elected #45.


This is the Constitutional Crisis.


Editorial: I’m about 150% certain that HRC and her own team of criminal collaborators would have given The One & Co a swift boot in the backside once the post-inaugural honeymoon was forcibly shut down. But it would have been awk – ward. Her goal was to be elected the 1st Female POTUS, even if just for one term. She desperately needed that High, even if the demands of the Oval Office were going to kill her. No way she would have cow-towed to The One, once she herself sat down behind the Big Desk.


Thank our Almighty Creator God, everyone, every, single day, for the miracle of Election Night 2016.

Anonymous ID: fd40eb June 26, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6846899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6932



I understand why brainwashed and brain dead democrat voters would dismiss high crimes and treason when it involves undermining their ideological opponents and/or trying to destroy them.


People who’ve lost their critical thinking skills and moral compass aren’t concerned with things like honor, integrity and fair play,


But when it involves this…


“By greatly expanding access to classified information by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, the Obama administration paved the way for a shadow government to leak classified information – endangering our national security and severely jeopardizing the integrity and reputation of our critical national security apparatus – in an attempt to undermine President Trump”


It becomes something all together different.


It becomes a life altering / life threatening threat / problem for every American, regardless of their political affiliation


It’s obviously bad enough that our political “leaders” would tolerate and allow this, but if it becomes known that this level of usurpation was going on, endangering the very foundation of our Republic and country, and democrat voters are still OK with it, then we’ve moved to the very last step of the precipice, and we’re teetering on the edge

Anonymous ID: fd40eb June 26, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.6846980   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anderson Cooper Cuts CNN Interview After Fake Trump Accuser E. Jean Carroll Calls Rape “Sexy”



They are losing it.



Imagine sheeps who are watching this bullshit live on CNN.

Anonymous ID: fd40eb June 26, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.6847070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7124 >>7149

So, Xi has had his aces up his sleeve (Norks or Iran stirring up ‘trouble’ which Xi could then ‘help with’ in exchange for trade concessions) stripped from him.


Delay only hurts Xi, while PDJT is in NO HURRY, and is obviously immune to any pressure to “make a deal, just to be able to say he made a deal”.


Xi is expressing, in theory at least, a willingness to return to where the negotiations WERE, before China renigged.


PDJT is not impressed, and is showing an inclination to continue, exploring blacklisting additional companies, even though the process is a year out.


Xi can ink a deal, that precludes cheating, with verification, in which case they will be caught cheating and sanctioned even worse than they are now. (My assumption being that the tarrifs imposed for cheating have to be more severe than those used to get Xi to the table.)


To truly meet PDJT’s reasonable demands, China either becomes a ‘3rd world’ country, unable to compete in a global economy, OR the CCP must relinquish control.


Allow innovative thought, rule of law, etc. which are anathema to CCP rule.


WHAT to do?


I suspect, although I have no ‘special knowledge’, that PDJT will want to add an emphasis on CURRENCY MANIPULATION to the list of “no no’s” already developed.


A punishment for renigging is certainly in order, and its an issue that needs to be addressed, as its as insidious as ‘dumping’.


Funny stuff, and amasing how similar Xi and CCP’s reaction is to PDJT, and Uniparties reaction is. Both just don’t “get” PDJT, and keep trying the same plays (that have always worked before!)

and just can’t understand why they don’t work now!