So this would fall under the "See Something, Say Something" catagory.
I was browsing through some mugshots for some Oregon counties, and something caught my eye.
I noticed that the booking information under 'Race', that even though the perp was clearly Hispanic, they were listed as, White.
Now I know someone could pass this off as, "they were in a hurry, they entered it incorrectly, etc. But, in a few particular
counties, Lane County was where I was looking, it was not an anomally. All recent bookings of Hispanics, were listed
as White.
Piquing my interest, I looked at some other counties. Some don't list race, but so far I found that Douglas, Lane, and Polk counties
have Hispanics listed as White.
Some people may not believe this is concerning, but I believe there is some type of Fuckery going on.
Crime statistics are gathered from law enforcement for a myriad of reasons. In this case, which ethnic groups, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.
commit what crimes. So by manipulating the numbers, a city, county, state, can show that a particular race commits the most or, least crimes. For what reason?
THAT'S what I want to know.
Some kind of FUCKERY is going on!
Two pics are of the same person. One is from the mugshot page, and the other is from LCSO official website.