Crisis act, disappear, recreate self for new crisis.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Greenberg's are the court jesters of this shit-show.
Their family responsible for most (if not all) FF.
Crisis act, disappear, recreate self for new crisis.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Greenberg's are the court jesters of this shit-show.
Their family responsible for most (if not all) FF.
Do you see it?
EXACTLY. Note that there is NO discoloration of the skin- this man is NOT dead.
Also note the baby's diaper- parents know, if this diaper was immersed, it would blow up like a balloon. That's a fake child with a fake diaper.
Yep- could be one of those child CPR dummys but your pic is possible as well.
The 'father' isn't dead- skin color says so.
Child's diaper woulda been blown up like a balloon in the water and it' not. Fake kid, fake diaper. FF FAIL
(you could get the adult to act dead in the water but not the child so they use a dummy)
>also if you read the story, they were not destitute.
Anon posted pb of pic of both at a kid center having a fabulous time- smiles all around. Seemed happy so why'd they leave a good life. <rhetorical
^^^THIS is about the star SIRIUS appearing on our horizon at that time.
Egyptians looked to its appearance on the horizon as a sign the floods were coming to the Nile.
The yramids are designed so a shaft / chamber is angled to accept the LIGHT on the day the sun and SIRIUS conjoin.
The time that both conjoin (line up) was thought to magnify both the sun's heat and combine it with SIRIUS' heat, making it doubly warm, hence the dog days.
SIRIUS is also located in the constellation Canis Major (canis=dog) Sirius lies in the collar of that dog in the ORION constellation.
Posting pics of shaved women.
You'd really like a child, wouldn't you?
This is why women are being socially groomed to go bald- so men will eventually accept they really like children better.
Pedo wanna-be right there.
You're a pedo. GTFO