>>onymous 06/26/19 (Wed) 18:19:54 77e7a4 (9) No.6848931
Found a baking CIrAnian~
Bombs for baking?
Bombs for baking
▶Anonymous 06/26/19 (Wed) 18:20:12 2dffea (7) No.6848932
>>6848871 (You)
>>You're missing a major point here…
>>Hitler AND Zionist leaders (mostly in Switzerland), shared a similar goal (initially), in that they both wanted Jews out of Europe (Germany in Hitler's case) and for them to all go to their own state of "Israel", which Hitler helped to bring to fruition. (See: The Balfour Declaration, as well). The plan was to cause sufficient discomfort and "terror", in hopes that Jews would flee to Israel.
Israel is a pimple on World International Jewry's ass. It's small potatoes as far as the JQ. You basically answered it yourself with the Balfour declaration. Hitler like 27 and serving as a small time soldier in WWI. He was a commoner.
>>You see, Hitler thought he could trust the Jew… BIG FUCKING MISTAKE.
He thought he could trust a zionist. Perhaps you are right. But he was facing a violent bolshevik takeover and world War and he needed them out. Germany had a right to be free of Jews. (Newspapers, Theatre, Smut and Banking)
>>Many Jews did not want to leave Europe and a lot even fled to America. While the state of Israel was formed, it simply did not achieve the grand gathering they had hoped. So, they stabbed Germany in the back, blamed any and every atrocity on them, (as well as making up a bunch of shit) and the rest is history…
And Jews still don't want to live there. It's not about Israel. Hitler himself said it was just a base of operations for their criminal elements. Which it is. Plus, I just read something recently from a Jew that said the Jews must not go to Israel and jewry needs to be a diaspora around the world.
>>P.S. Ask me about the REAL gassing operation that is DOCUMENTED and VERIFIABLE, carried out by the NKVD's "Troikas". Jews are nothing but delusional, supremacist, weirdos, spawned from a genetic dumpster-fire in the Middle East.
Agreed. The only gas Chambers were used in USSR in those days. In glass sealed rooms not wooden doored showers. Kek.
>>Every single one of them is an enemy to every shred of decency that the non-Jew possesses.
Agreed. But none of this makes him a puppet. The fact that such an argument is attempted only proves that America was cabal and still is. If every lie has been exposed and then at the last moment there needs to be this disclaimer at the end? It's bullshit.