Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6848398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8442 >>8512 >>8602 >>8640 >>8728



The material that accompanies this poster reads: "The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish Dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose work is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also through the same Jewish mental and physical forces become a reality all over the world."- Translation by: The American Hebrew, Sept. 10, 1920.

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6848442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8471 >>8512 >>8602 >>8640


The German Communist Party (Founded and led by Jews) was seen as a major rival by the Nazi Party during the years of Weimar Germany in terms of who might acquire national power. Street battles between members of the Communist Party and the SA were common especially during the depression that followed the Wall Street Crash of October 1929. The KPD was able to grow tremendously during the economic crisis. Its radical anti-capitalist rhetoric proved attractive to a large minority of the working class. In elections the KPD went from 10.6 percent (3.2 million votes) in 1928 to 16.9 percent (6 million votes) in November 1932. Its membership doubled in the same time, from 130,000 to almost 300,000. Most of this growth came from the ranks of the unemployed. But despite its phenomenal growth, the KPD was never able to unleash the German proletariat’s revolutionary potential or fundamentally challenge the capitalist system.


Communism: a political system where the government controls the nation’s wealth in the belief that the state should provide should provide everyone with an equal share and where private ownership is very limited.


Capitalism: a system based on private ownership of property and business, and where government control is limited.


Gestapo: the Secret State Police was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe


However, for the Nazis the Communists represented a real threat as the KPD appealed to the working class in Germany at the time of the Weimar Republic. The KPD leadership hoped that the unemployed working class would blame business leaders and those who supported a capitalist society.

Numerically there were far more people who could be categorised as working class as opposed to middle/upper class. Therefore a political party that had won over the working class would find itself in a very healthy position when compared to other parties that had not done so. Hitler was ideologically opposed to communism but realised that the KPD did represent a real threat to the Nazis prior to January 1933. The KPD was the largest communist movement outside of the USSR and during the mid to late 1920’s had sought to develop closer ties to the USSR. Probably the most famous leader the KPD had was Ernst Thälmann who was arrested by the Gestapo in 1933 and shot in 1944, after 11 years in solitary confinement, on the direct orders of Hitler.


Prior to the March 1933 election, the KPD had made steady gains in the national elections. However, the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933 and the Reichstag Fire of February 1933 and the consequences surrounding the fire, spelt the end of any political influence that the KPD might have had. The Reichstag Fire was blamed on the KPD (cause they did it - Communists were notorious firebombers across Europe and America) and in the immediate aftermath of the fire, KPD leaders were rounded up and were among the first people to be put into the newly created Dachau concentration camp, which was just outside of Munich. After the Enabling Act was passed in March 1933, it was very dangerous for anyone to openly espouse their support for the KPD and the influence of the party swiftly dwindled. Some KPD members fled to the USSR while others spent years in hiding.


Buffer: a smaller country or region lying between larger countries as protection against a possible attack


It was important to the capitalist countries of Western Europe that Germany remained a capitalist democracy. It was a priority of the Allies to create a buffer between western countries such as France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Britain and the communist Union of Soviet Socialists Republic in the east.


This problem was solved for the Allies by Hitler and his Nazi Party as they systematically countered and eliminated the communist threat within Germany.


Communist Party vs. NSDAP in Weimar Germany

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.6848512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640




These armed communists were openly operating in Germany after WWI with every intent to take over the country.


How could Hitler take their guns away? That's not freedumb! Maybe we should let ANTIFA roam the streets with guns right? What could go wrong?

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6848624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Of course it was.


Just look at the WWII propaganda films.


Laughably stupid.


TV was fully controlled by Jews like Sarnoff and Paley from the get go.

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6848672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8677 >>8748


Occult just means hidden


If the Thule society was a satanic club…


Than qresearch and 8chan are a satanic club by that definition.


Just more half truths and lies


There was nothing sinister about it

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.6848733   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yup. Although some here like to claim different. It goes like this…


"Everything is a lie….except WWII…that was totally honest…okay it wasn't but statism blah blah blah…okay the Holocaust is a hoax but Hitler was in on it…okay fine Hitler fought the same people we are against today but he was a Jew…okay okay…what can I tell you to support Israel and flood your countries and only your countries with non whites?…okay okay but Q said blah blah blah"

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.6848763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is faggot Germany before Hitler


Transexual demonic garbage


Can you believe they shut them down? What monsters! Don't they believe in freedom.of expression?


Get the picture? Same shit today as then.

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.6848871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8882 >>8906 >>8932 >>8979 >>9055


If Hitler was a cabal stooge he would have played ball and never taken over the country in the first place. It makes no sense for the cabal to destroy a continent that they already controlled. They nearly lost WWII. Franco wasn't a puppet. Mussolini wasn't a puppet. Mosley wasn't a puppet. Countless other nationalist organizations in every European countries were not puppets. They tried to win and lost.


They had a world War without Hitler and they could've had another without him.


As far as Israel is concerned there was nothing wrong with creating Israel. Hitler wanted them in Madagascar but due to pressing needs to get them out he was willing to let them move WITH MONEY. Not the workings of a heartless Jew hater now is it? Not to mention Israel is not our biggest problem. Subversion from within is our problem. Being invaded by foreigners is our problem.


Nationalists vs. International Jew states fought and the Jew states won due to overwhelming force. That's it.


This lame bullshit and half truths are just the bank robbers throwing nails out of the back of the getaway car. Stall tactics.

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 3:15 p.m. No.6848897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Our country literally worships Israel and jews fully knowing it's good for the Jews and not them.


This is what the end of the Jewish lies looks like when they have run the it of tricks.

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 3:21 p.m. No.6848944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Than Trump is a puppet by that logic. He literally said he's not a puppet. Try again.


>>Your answer lies in who the SS was "modeled" after. Merkel's dad was only the power behind this institutions coming out party. The Christian world said no and their govts had to go along. Brzezinski's modern reality of it being far easier for world leaders to kill a million people rather than to convince them to do what they want wasn't in play yet back then. Majority still ruled.


Merkel is irrelevant since she is clearly a Jew agent and floods the country with Arabs.


Christianity has done nothing to prevent this hell we are in but rather aided in it's construction.


Brezinsky and his quote don't measure up when considering Vietnam, Iraq and countless other wars including the drumbeat for war with Iran. Try again.

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 3:36 p.m. No.6849055   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>onymous 06/26/19 (Wed) 18:19:54 77e7a4 (9) No.6848931




Found a baking CIrAnian~


Bombs for baking?


Bombs for baking


▶Anonymous 06/26/19 (Wed) 18:20:12 2dffea (7) No.6848932


>>6848871 (You)


>>You're missing a major point here…


>>Hitler AND Zionist leaders (mostly in Switzerland), shared a similar goal (initially), in that they both wanted Jews out of Europe (Germany in Hitler's case) and for them to all go to their own state of "Israel", which Hitler helped to bring to fruition. (See: The Balfour Declaration, as well). The plan was to cause sufficient discomfort and "terror", in hopes that Jews would flee to Israel.


Israel is a pimple on World International Jewry's ass. It's small potatoes as far as the JQ. You basically answered it yourself with the Balfour declaration. Hitler like 27 and serving as a small time soldier in WWI. He was a commoner.


>>You see, Hitler thought he could trust the Jew… BIG FUCKING MISTAKE.


He thought he could trust a zionist. Perhaps you are right. But he was facing a violent bolshevik takeover and world War and he needed them out. Germany had a right to be free of Jews. (Newspapers, Theatre, Smut and Banking)


>>Many Jews did not want to leave Europe and a lot even fled to America. While the state of Israel was formed, it simply did not achieve the grand gathering they had hoped. So, they stabbed Germany in the back, blamed any and every atrocity on them, (as well as making up a bunch of shit) and the rest is history…


And Jews still don't want to live there. It's not about Israel. Hitler himself said it was just a base of operations for their criminal elements. Which it is. Plus, I just read something recently from a Jew that said the Jews must not go to Israel and jewry needs to be a diaspora around the world.


>>P.S. Ask me about the REAL gassing operation that is DOCUMENTED and VERIFIABLE, carried out by the NKVD's "Troikas". Jews are nothing but delusional, supremacist, weirdos, spawned from a genetic dumpster-fire in the Middle East.


Agreed. The only gas Chambers were used in USSR in those days. In glass sealed rooms not wooden doored showers. Kek.


>>Every single one of them is an enemy to every shred of decency that the non-Jew possesses.


Agreed. But none of this makes him a puppet. The fact that such an argument is attempted only proves that America was cabal and still is. If every lie has been exposed and then at the last moment there needs to be this disclaimer at the end? It's bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 6af6c6 June 26, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.6849129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>Germany was a high population threat to the Rothschilds so they did everything in their power to destroy it. For decades they made sure Germany lost wars, lost wealth, and had a horrible Nazi reputation to shake. Today it's just a shadow of itself. Germany is the hub of the EU but by no means does it control the EU.


The same onslaught against the United States didn't begin in earnest until LBJ. Same thing: lost wars, lost wealth, bad reputation.


Russia and the United States are the remaining threats to the Rothschilds. The bankers thought they were going to get lucky and trick us into annihilating each other under Hillary. Instead it is the Rothschilds who will be destroyed. The final act on earth will not be theirs to participate in.


Bingo. Thanks fren.