Insider - DARPA Conceived Facebook for Mind Control
Anons, I think this is worth reposting as I didn’t see it and I imagine many didn’t as well.
>>6765610 pb
Gay lover reveals the truth:
"Mark is incapable of running a McDonald's, let alone one of the most powerful companies in the world. Not even his name is real and his identity has always been covered up. Mark was chosen as child for a CIA training program because his relatives were some of the people creating the program."
"Facebook was meant as a cyber-drug to create and control addicts - digital addicts.
… Every person on the Internet, which was also created by DARPA, is considered a cyber-terrorist and the military sees it as their job to create systems to surveil, target, disarm, and aggressively remote control the user."
To Every Facebook User,
Mark Zuckerberg, and all of us who were there from the beginning, are lying to you and using your personal life as a government-controlled experiment in brain-washing and mind-control - basically a weaponized system of the military (CIA especially) that got out of control.
At this point, Mark Zuckerberg has lost control of a company that he never really owned or operated. Truly, anyone who has ever worked with Mark knows that his mind is a blank and that he is nothing more than a parrot for the government handlers who created him. Mark is incapable of running a McDonald's, let alone one of the most powerful companies in the world. Not even his name is real and his identity has always been covered up. Mark was chosen as child for a CIA training program because his relatives were some of the people creating the program.
…three teams that were working at Harvard, under Harvard president Larry Summers, to create what DARPA and In-Q-Tel wanted the most - a cyber-weapon that could control the minds of anyone that could be lured into it.
Facebook was always a military weapon - just like Eric Schmidt's Google which was incubated in the same fashion that Facebook was. Mark was a patsy, but a ruthless, heartless, cold-blooded non-human patsy. He became this way through the brain-washing he received in his High School years by a DARPA program called TIA that needed a "boy-genius" to be the front man. This scam would make Mark into a global model of the young, cool, irreverent computer geniuses that "rule the world" and lead everyone to a cyber-god of artificial intelligence. Mark was just an unwitting puppet at first - I felt sorry for him.
"Mark has become, over the years, no friend of America. In fact, he hates America and rants on about how proud he is to avoid U. S. taxes and to cheat the American people - whom he considers to be animals.
Mark was shocked when he received an acceptance letter from Harvard, before he had applied. No test scores, interviews, or pre-requisites were required. His government "programming" had made his acceptance a given. Harvard wanted Mark, and Mark did what he was told. So, when the president of Harvard, Larry Summers, called Mark into his office early in his freshman year, Mark was not so surprised. He knew he would have to pay the piper. Summers asked Mark to start a group to work on the social media project - a supposed competition among teachers and students to win a government contract.
The ostensible goal was to create a social directory and Harvard where people could share in small groups. The real intent was to create a social network to manipulate the world….