Anonymous ID: d485a3 June 26, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.6848825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Calling (((Them))) out on the Hypocrisy.


Hussein had the 111th Congress in his favor. Did not do a damn thing.


Humanitarian Crisis: 2009

Migrant Deaths at the U.S. –Mexico Border

From the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties & Mexico’s National Commission of Human Rights


Exerpts from pdf:

>Fifteen had drowned in the All American Canal. These numbers signal an escalating humanitarian crisis that is not going away and requires a reassessment of the underlying deterrence strategies.



>The chief cause of death shifted within the first year from traffic fatalities to deaths from hypothermia, dehydration, and drowning.



>In FY 08, migrants died due to the extremes of environmental exposure (127), train and motor vehicle accidents (49), drowning (54)



>Migrants drown in the numerous canals, damns, irrigation ditches, stretches of concrete channels, high reservoirs and even oceans. Drowning occurs in the All American Canal in California, irrigation canals in Arizona, and different points of the Rio Grande River in Texas.



…and it goes on.