There's was a contract to fix a train in NYC, the one that goes out R obert's P izza way.
A new Admin came in and found out there was cheating going on.
They had planned to close the train for 2 years.
It was discovered the repair could be done easier and cheaper for less money, without closing it down.
"Egg on face" moment for Transit Authority .
They were planning trains without conductors, so if anything happened it could just be "oops a glitch"
As with what POTUS talked about vis a vis flying airplanes; Yes you want a real person, who is experienced, rather than a computational program / algorithm
A military defense contractor "Lockheed Martin" was given a large contract some years ago for work on the train system. They never performed it. And MTA never got a refund.
I always suspected the "work" that was to be done was to set-up for another one of their "terror" ff events; fake bombing or somesuch.
Many of the trains go under the water ways.
Israel sent people / teams in to train the police in NYC. And the NYC police go to Israel to train in "anti-terrorism"
So now that all the top brass of NYPD have been replaced. And now that NYPD is sending down bagpipe players to serenade our new AG, perhaps Cuomo needs to go to Israel - to plan "what next?"