Anonymous ID: 5218e1 June 26, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.6849325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Spinning Heart (full album)

  • Hymns for the Angels


One of my greatest personal pleasures is auditioning new music and bringing the best of it to the Anons to enjoy. Today is one of those days. Just a few hours ago, I went to an online premiere for this album and was totally blown away by the musical talent. Then more so, when I found out it was a single artist who composed the music, played the instrumental melodies, and did a a masterful job of mixing. This is his debut album and is frankly a journey through otherworldly musical and technical ability.


In fact, the I was chatting with the composer throughout the premiere and suggested we may have to invent a new genre for this album since it covers so much ground…Meta Post Rock.


Strongly suggest R-clicking into a new tab and playing this in the background and sticking with it…the journey goes through a lot of spaces and remember all along that one person did everything you're hearing. Listen carefully and enjoy. This is literally hours old and not even released yet…I'm giving you the link to the invitation premiere. 'Cuz I likes ya!