"This 4th of July, DO NOT concern yourself with freedom, liberty or independence… Just focus on the pretty fireworks, folks."
Your Friends In Gov't
"This 4th of July, DO NOT concern yourself with freedom, liberty or independence… Just focus on the pretty fireworks, folks."
Your Friends In Gov't
Yeah well, someone should tell that CIA lap-dog, that we don't want him to cover Samantha Powers treasonous acts… WE WANT LAW ENFORCEMENT TO DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS AND COVER HER WRISTS IN HAND-CUFFS.
Am I out of line??? Is it too much for me to ask that my tax-payer funded government employees ACTUALLY do their jobs???
Jewish pedophiles pretend to be Catholics in Buffalo, NY
Are there ANY notable Jews that have fought corruption, pedophilia, or the like, in any capacity??? I know of none…