Finally someone cornered this pig
Finally someone cornered this pig
The D's debates are in his timeslot
Does anyone know if Hannity will be aired or if the Democrat debates will replace his slot?
MJ12 dumping tweet stats - not sure why, maybe someone smarter than I can reveal
here's one:
There will never, ever be a majority of persons in power with extreme influence who are not malevolent. It's by design that those positions are filled by megalomaniacs and power-hunger sociopaths. The humble don't seek positions of power like that en masse
Jon Stewart recently on the hill. Tore congressmen ass
โฆand? I haven't talked to my brother in 10 years. Being brothers doesn't entitle you to what they have.
Was it established that the bodies were dredged from deep water or is that where they were found? Because if that's right where they were found, they were murdered.
I saw on another post where anon noted that Hannity said something big was going to "drop" today; I can't ref the sauce..sorry.