Anonymous ID: 047975 June 26, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.6850923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0943


Looks like you are baking the current bread right?

Been watching clown show on NBC.

Taking notes.


incredibly boring, stopped at first commercial break. Yawn. Will post, not sure if notable, ha-ha……Spanish interludes the most enjoyable part…..

Anonymous ID: 047975 June 26, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.6850943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0964 >>0974 >>0993 >>1028 >>1237 >>1299 >>1352 >>1412


Dem Remarks from first part of Debate No. 1

Notes until first commercial break, wow….sure is different than POTUS rally…..


On the economy

Klob: Donald Trump just sits in the WH and gloats about what is going on. [wants to make Comm College free]


Q on top individual tax rate of 70%?

Beto: [so noice he speaks spanish….how inclusive] speaks of "economy that is rigged to corporations and to the very wealthiest"

[supports top 28% rate]


Warren: "What's been missing is courage–courage in Washington to take on the giants…." [on control by monopolies]



[Wants to pass the Equal Right Amendment]



[Makes sure we know she was in the military.]

No war position–will spend money of moar domestic projects.


De Blasio:

speaks of "that battle for the heart and soul of our party…"

supports 70% tax rate, supports working class

"There's plenty of money in this world….it's just in the wrong hands."


Delaney: Wants to double the earned income tax credit

Fix public ed system. Says he's different that others on the stage, an actual businessman. "I know how to create jobs."


Inslee: "I'm proud of standing up for unions….I'll put people to work in the [clean energy] jobs of the present and the future. [not mfg jobs] "DJT is simply wrong" about wind turbines [causing cancer].


Tim Ryan: re mfg jobs coming back

"The bottom 60% haven't seen a raise since 1980." [hmmm….really?]

Wants to promote electri cars, solar industry.


Warren: Loves green technology. "We need to go 10x on r & d on green energy going forward." must be mfg'd here.


Health care

They all want "every American" to have health care (they say)

Who would abolish private insurance? Only Warren & De Blasio (I think)

Warren: yep, she's for "Medicare for All."

Beto: tells sad story, then speaks of women "having access to her own body" wouldn't replace private insurance–de Blasio challenges him.

Delaney does too: Medicare for All won't work, Americans don't want.

Gabbard: Support Medicare for All (companies will save $, thinks they will support)

Booker: Medicare for All is best, speaks of people "profiteering off of the pain" of Americans.


Inslee: focuses on women's right to choose, acts like he's the only one, melee ensues….

Castro: "I believe in Reproductive Justice''' [poor people should have the right to choose]

Any limits on abortion?

Warren: nope, wants to protect Roe.


Opoid crisis

[nothing of note, except maybe Beto being pro-marijuana]