Anonymous ID: 59648d June 26, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.6850782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


6 minutes ago

From: Alex Leary

Date: June 26, 2019 at 5:27:02 PM AKDT


POTUS visits service members in Anchorage, comments on debate


After landing in Anchorage, POTUS spoke on AF1 with Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy.


POTUS walked down the stairs at 5:07 p.m., gave a fist bump, waved and headed across the tarmac to speak with service members at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

Asked how he thought the Democrats would do in the presidential primary debate, which started at 9 pm in Miami, POTUS replied, “I think they all are going to do very poorly.”


Approaching the troops, he noted the debate had just started. “And I had my choice between you and them and I chose you,” he said.


The president was back on AF1 at 5:16 p.m.


It’s a sunny here, 67 degrees, with a nice breeze. We are holding as the plane is refueled.

Anonymous ID: 59648d June 26, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.6850953   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS watching the [D]ebate on AF1


Subject: Out-of-town pool report #4 (leaving Anchorage)



A minute ago


From: Alex Leary

Date: June 26, 2019 at 5:42:30 PM AKDT

Subject: Out-of-town pool report #4 (leaving Anchorage)


At 5:42 p.m., we are rolling. Next stop: Osaka.


President Trump is watching the debate, which is also on the TVs in the press cabin.


“BORING!” he tweeted.


Alex Leary

The Wall Street Journal

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