Gawd…I hope the dumbasses in the shallow end will finally get it.
Lt. Dan is the guy who tweets for POTUS, damn right he's a HVS (High Value Source).
Thanks for spelling that out so succinctly.
Gawd…I hope the dumbasses in the shallow end will finally get it.
Lt. Dan is the guy who tweets for POTUS, damn right he's a HVS (High Value Source).
Thanks for spelling that out so succinctly.
Did you know the Wisconsin State Fish sounds like a Hoover when it swims? Kek!
This oughta be interesting.
Looks like the Court took TOGTFO a little too literally.
Damn, this debate shit is boring. It's like watching a Keystone Kop circle-jerk, with Bobby as the pivot man.
I am in desperate need of 3 triple Macallan's 18's on ice, a hot smoky bowl, a plate of sashimi yellowfin and a blowjob….
That is absolutely the ONLY suitable compensation for suffering through this bullshit.