About the Trump Rally that formed outside the Dem debate. I know some do not see the significance of this, but to me I see this as a turning point.
Our side NORMALLY does NOT do this sort of thing as we've got lives etc etc unlike the liberals.
During Trump's speech the other day he told us to "become active" or "become activists" or something to that effect I'm paraphrasing.
It's bad enough for the dems that Trump fills stadiums to overflow capacity when he holds a rally and they can barely fill a phone booth.
It will be that much worse, and totally undeniable that we are the majority if over time not only is Trump beating them at HIS rallies, but his supporters are beating the dems supporters at THEIR OWN RALLIES!!!!!
It is the most epic trolling strategy ever… completely demoralizing the enemy over time.
That's my 2 cents worth
Carry on,
Love you guys (no homo)