>Owen Benjamin is actively blackpilling people about Trump and it's hard to prove him wrong.
>We're tired of watching the country continue to slide just because we want to follow the null-and-void traitor laws to the letter and don't want to offend the obscene and the indifferent. Take a roll call someday and learn how many of the pro-Trump people on this board are ironically unemployed.
I see you, anon. I get where you're coming from and how people get blackpilled considering all of this. But you have to look at the progress that's been made despite that we have been rocketing down a shit waterfall this whole time. It's amazing we've made any progress back upward at all.
A lot of Trump's base are, for lack of a better word, still complete fucking normies. They react with shock and revulsion to things the news tells them to. They only understand small, digestible sound bites and they are susceptible to leftist appeals to emotion. Understand this:
For Trump's entire first term, he has been running for re-election to his 2nd term.
Trump declared his candidacy for 2020 way back in the beginning of 2017. He knew, as did many of us, that in order to retain control of the government even to the end of his first term, he must have good optics and demonstrable success with the economy and the job market and foreign policy. All of his actions and decisions this term have been aimed toward those goals: bringing back jobs, destroying ISIS, ensuring the success of American business via deregulation, and more stuff in that vein.
All jokes (and serious talk) about Trump serving more than two terms aside, if he wins his 2nd term, he is effectively free to do just about whatever he wants in his 2nd term. He doesn't have to worry nearly as much about good optics for braindead fucking normies. He can make harder decisions, more decisive plays, and take more shocking actions without worrying about how it might affect his next election.
Just my take on this. We are fighting a long war here. This war has been fought asymmetrically AGAINST us for over 100 years; we've now had a little over 2 years of fighting back. Don't be too surprised that we haven't fully defeated the enemy in that short a time, especially knowing what you know about that enemy and how entrenched it is in fuckin' everything. Be strong and don't take the blackpill, and shame on every gutless motherfucker that's handing out blackpills. Hope is far, far too important to our movement and our future. There is literally no excuse for that blackpill bullshit.
FIGHT for the future.