Tomorrow is make or break,
The decision being in the USSC will undoubtedly have an impact on the 2020 election in a big way.
# 1.
"In a surprise setback for small-government conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday provided the swing vote to save a key piece of the administrative state: judicial deference to agency interpretations of regulations.
That subject may sound arcane, but (for better or for worse) it is the bedrock of the regulatory state as we know it. And prior to today’s surprise, conservatives thought this case was in the bag."
Instead, thanks to Chief Justice Roberts, they lost big. Indeed, as angry as some conservatives still are over Roberts (twice) saving Obamacare, he now has defied expectations to save the administrative state as we know it.
When agencies make regulations—environmental rules, labor standards, health regulations—they’re routinely taken to court. It’s almost part of the process at this point: Either corporations complain that the rules are too strict, or public-interest groups complain that they’re too lax.