Yeah, yes he does. Those people are not dead. Just another migrant hoax photo op.
I have noticed that when Finkle shill is NOT here (rare), all of the other shills in the same category are not here either.
Must be just one guy. Last Sunday (think so) he was absent.
We did have spooks planting CP, others trying to claim that QR is CPB, that we should be scared and not come here anymore, even had a baker that same day that openly acknowledged the fact that he was part of their group. Not sure he realized that though. Too busy pretending to be anon.
>>6852430 addendum:
>spooks planting CP,
Also, if your job results in crimes occurring by engaging in activity that would put a regular citizen in jail, so that you can jail someone else, doesn't that make you a criminal?
The Government Totally Sucks You Mutha Fucka.
If it didn't, we would not be here rooting for the plan to restore power to the people.