Q Post 952 March 15, 2018 22:41:56
@ [19][1st] @Snowden.
@ [3][1st] @CIA.
The LINK. Secure Drop: Method by which CIA
delivers "Talking Points" to media
shills at 4 AM each morning.
[John Perry Barlow] Developed Secure Drop for
whistleblowers to use and co-opted
by ClownsInAmerica.
[2] Phase 2
[3] Phase 3
[4] Phase 4
WE HAVE THE SUB. Submarine which fired on Hawaii
and operated by Clowns neutralized.
HOSTAGE RELEASE. North Korea free from Clown control.
1000 pieces. Scatter ClownsInAmerica to 1,000
pieces in honor of JFK.