Anonymous ID: 1e8510 June 26, 2019, 11:37 p.m. No.6853211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 RC/RC of… more, The obscene Epstein of it all.


Special Effects, False Flag, LARP, deceit, false narrative, fake news, slight of hand, distortions, Hollywood version: our lives are chucked full of ways to negate truth. We are constantly bombarded by all sorts of falsehoods. No matter what we sense, separating truth from lie is critical task. Q and Q+ fight in the realms of shadows against the powers of darkness, hacking through every manner of imaginable lie.


I have taken personal pictures of Epstein Island, none are yet published. I have studied many more. Mine, nothing special, wait until truth and lie, even probable lie are adequately confronted, sifted through, adequately weighed. Hollywood teaches, pictures lie. Epstein Island fronts big lies, that is the state of my current analysis, by no means final. Straightforward words are the best to confront lies and that is why I champion this approach, words first. A picture is worth a 1000 words but one Internet picture throws 1,000,000 lies.


One does not have to study far or long into Epstein, deeds, style, interest, to swiftly realize he embraces lie, ideal companion for Clintons, Obama, the whole LEFT wing horde, of these 2019 days. Whatever he shows, intensely aware of all that he shows, do not trust. Do not accept his public show at face-value, verify. I do not suggest he lives constant lie, ceaseless reversals, like Biden political beast, smashing down in hopeless, endless contradictions. Epstein is no Biden, but would vote for him like dear kin. Epstein is very good managing the boundaries of his various lives, lies. He prefers the shadows and the covers of darkness, but Q has upended Epstein's rock to feature his rock… topper.


Temple on Epstein rock is lie, my current opinion. Oh it is there, physically, it has mass, height, width, color, door and windows. It is not virtual or hologram. I say it is nothing more than front hood ornament, Hollywood prop, Epstein's Billboard… fake cow moved here to there.


My lead to this RC/RC series was a Rockefeller/Clinton piece, in those lines I relate discovery of Caneel, Laurance Rockefeller's island resort, long established on nearby Saint John Island. Not visible one from the other, how close are they? I well imagine a good ocean swimmer could swim out of Caneel Bay and reach Little Saint James Island lamenting the swim was a meager workout in agreeable current. Studying Laurance, pic surfaced of him and Hillary, Q drop 295, fourth photo down from mid 90s (UFO topic). Since then, I have privately speculated, now publicly, Laurance taught Clinton's the arts of Foundations, CF. Laurance ran the Rockefeller Foundation for years. Ties between Rockefellers and Clintons may be very long and deep, deserving further study.


The Rockefeller boys, 5 all deceased, one sister too, brothers and cousins, third generation Rockefeller, they lived adulthood, roughly between 1940s through 2010s. They likely established cabal in America nurturing Deep State to maturity. Q has suggested as much, my read. Human Trafficking, chief among cabal enterprising, requires a Master, a go-to-guy, counted on for honesty within the ring, and the great deceiver outside the ring. I suggest Laurance served and serviced the Old, Old Guard. Torch passed to Epstein, the New, Old Guard. This I speculate.


Why is Human Trafficking chief among Cabal wares, and not weapons, drugs or blackmail? Cabal Elites consume Humans, they take great personal interests. Do I mean they eat them or ritualistically sacrifice them? Decide for yourself. Do I mean they bed them, enslave them cultivate them for special duties? Yes, minimally this is true. I suggest the dichotomy Q offers in 3050 between 'resort' and 'occult' cabal, take good note, Q follows 'occult' with Haiti, not Little Saint James, beneath the pic of Epstein's temple. Elites demand the best for personal touch and can well afford it. They need trusted folk to make it happen, rewarding with big bucks.


How Epstein makes his big bucks seems to be cloaked in gobbledygook. He seems to dabble in science, hobnobbing with the likes of Hawking. L Rockefeller did similar. It spreads illusion of making big money in cutting edge science that no one understands. Epstein is 98% business, 58% pleasure. For him, mixing the two is the pleasure in his business. The missing 2%, I do not know but it is not spiritual. The temple is fraud, hoax like Russian Collusion. It is slight of hand to ogle eyes, boggle minds.


Reasons to believe the temple is hoax, comes next.

Anonymous ID: 1e8510 June 26, 2019, 11:40 p.m. No.6853220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5A RC/RC of… more, The obscene Epstein of it all.


Why is Epstein's Temple Hoax, 1-10


1) It is what he shows the world. He hides his real work, all evil, all we see is facade, fake. It is his big show piece, fake like CNN, Smollett necktie, misdirect like visiting Hawking, or fake cow.

2) The temple is highly visible from both Saint John and Saint Thomas. It is what he wants his nearest neighbors to see and think of him like front end ornament. Temple is 'keep off sign' as clear as his palm trees planted at water's edge. Temple says, 'don't mix with me, I'm dangerous in ways you do not know.'

3) At first it was a talking piece, calling card, billboard, for insiders predisposed to all evil, a PR tool.  In time he had to tell them that it was hoax to fool sheep, which any insider could well appreciate lost in knee slapping laugh. By that time his hook was in and set, reel, reel, reel, he did, did, did, big, bigger, biggest.

4) North facing door for tourist eyes like my passage, poor pretext for ancient religions. Temple sets low latitude so summer solstice, high noon, bright sun not darkness, would show in open door, if it ever opens. Find one pic suggesting such use, any use. It is tourist trap for photo op, ogle, ogle, ogle.

5) No signs of AC or other means to vent/cool interior. The Temple sits under year round tropical sun with a couple of huge windows facing east and west, one south. It is hot box, an intolerable heat sink not fit for Venus incarnate.

6) Dome and ornaments have been down for a year or more, my calculation, likely by fierce hurricanes 2017, They are an easy fix, long ignored. Why? The hoax is old, ran its course, serves now to fool only biggest fools, unfortunately some on chan.

7) The dome, original design, may have accommodated roof top venting, meager at best. But one drone shot online, I believe taken when island was in heavy, advanced, development, well before goog cap, shows no means for venting prior to dome placement.

8) Epstein has sense of humor, finding great laughter every time new pics surface supporting his hoax having more life and more lives than than Russia, Russia, Russia.

9) Fire(s) reported mostly hoax if not pure and total hoax, needs separate write. Many fire stories, apparently many dates/fires, many headlines declare whole island burnt to the ground. My own eyes vividly tell me that is total lie, week leading to Father's day, 2019. So far, careful study of my own pics finds no evidence of fire on the 75% of the island I personally shot.  Only damage I see is missing dome and ornaments. Epstein, and crowd has to be laughing so long and hard they now miss their asses. Epstein knows temple has a life of its own. Temple will make stories for a hundred years unless Red Castle tears it down or Trump turns it into a monument to deception. Epstein ignores all the hoopla, even fire, suggesting a hoax from day one.

10) If not convinced reread 1 and 2 and then reread 1 and 2 again. Just to get RC/RC 4, 5A,B finally done I have worked through several significant personal revelations and reversals disproving my own rash judgement, found missed details, over came bad interpretations.  Good reason Q says reread… do not rush to become your own biggest fool.

Anonymous ID: 1e8510 June 26, 2019, 11:41 p.m. No.6853224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5B RC/RC of… more, The obscene Epstein of it all.


Why is Epstein's Temple Hoax, 11-22


11) I do not find the island scarred from heavy excavation. I do not believe extensive tunnels exist, not on that small, tiny Island with more boarder than interior mass.  Around maintenance area south of the main house, up to helicopter pad, land has been reworked. It looks like the whole original main house complex has been significantly redone, maybe basement like lower level under deck but no extensive underground. Hidden tunnels are usually completed by killing all the workers. Has that ever been rumor?

12) Tennis court is recessed into a carved out depression highly bermed all around, retention pond style. This is hard to discern from the online goog cap but this is right understanding. The island so small, terrain so steep, the only place to carve the thing was high center Island where significant wind molests fair play, thus the berming, pit like court, with no visible drainage. My pics will show a high central, flat-top mound and more. They could be used to spin all types of lies, false interpretations, relatively close to temple. It is recessed tennis court, more details later.

13) Tunnels and mining are not part of US Virgin Island life. Likely any such digs would be big news needing outside crew(s). Extensive tunneling would require significant iron and concrete, very hard to hide including delivery to a very small island. Find those details or did those crews get killed off too including engineers and inspectors. Some blame the fire, at least one of the fires on an earthquake from nearby BVI. A 4.9 quake appears to be fact 11-14-18 and again 2-9-19. They do happen in the area. Added support would be needed for any tunnel system.  Not only do diggings need extraction and hidden but iron and cement need to be installed at the same time, then to fill it all in, as now rumored, hiding all the scars, killing off one crew after another, no I do not think so. I think far better explanation exists for the $29mm and tunnel issue requiring more write. Q 999 is quirky text that Q never truly smoothed over, leaving us guess. Does Q beg, CAUTION, take close look, find simple truth maybe even contrary to eye or quick assumptions?

14) As to cement and iron, Epstein has grass helipad. So he built massive tunnel system requiring tons of iron and concrete delivered, but leaves his pad grass… the easiest place to drop, airlift, massive iron and concrete to island 

15) It is Q's advantage not to reveal the truth letting Epstein think his deceit lives, causing Epstein/Cabal to miscalculate. His day is not yet come and Anons need the challenge to sort out level headed conclusions 

16) The Island has rentals available. The temple, along with high prices, and indeed the temple justifies higher rates, filters clientele to those whom Epstein wants to do business with. The temple cuts out rift-raft

17) Still doubtful, reread 1 and 2 every day for a week, what all others seem to ignore most. Step back, turn around and look to Saint Thomas and Saint John, eyes all over! Context, context, context see, big pic, 360.

18) I say Caneel/L Rockefeller was the forerunner of Epstein. What Rockefeller started Epstein expands. By early design, he made it look like all happened on his shabby little island, when in fact it happens spread out all over the area, 100, 200 mile radius, yacht and jet crowd, if not much further. Temple is Epstein's 3D billboard, nothing more.

19) At remote temple, no parking or even easy turn-around . Road access is dead-end for simplest maintenance needs, gulf cart size, not a congregating point.

20) Temple has no stack, sewage venting, no restroom in or even below. They either like it messy, love port-a-potties, or simply stay away.

21) Temple door latching system looks like it is designed to keep desperate folk on the other-side, of outside, prison like, very strange though dramatic, very good show, snap, snap.

22) Whole temple design looks new-age NYNY glitz, spectacular secularist show. Fake KEYSTONE, flunky stripes, tiny build on tiny plot, outside living, so chique, rice white, nice bright, Epstein style, nothing too dark. I suppose the devil plays well beneath Broadway lights and in Hollywood too. Only thing missing is red carpet, to save red shoes from green slime on temple steps, goog pic.

Anonymous ID: 1e8510 June 26, 2019, 11:43 p.m. No.6853228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6 RC/RC of… more, The obscene Epstein of it all.


Tunnels, 29mm, Q 999, 1000, 1001



997 Pope May

998 Pope Blood

999 $29mm

1000 Holly

1001 Rome

1002 Vatican


Summed together, I call this, 'Pope for 1000 complex.' 'H,' 'Holly' not See… Batman, 998. Again multiple meanings.


Q is masterful simultaneously telling multiple stories to multiple audiences, quick witted to employ multiple meanings, amidst and a-mix of multiple crossing roads. Reduction, as suggested above is good means to step back, see big pic, capture central theme, critical player, level of play. One or two words, taken from each drop is used to summarize the whole feeding into the bigger whole. Hone to 999, 1000, 1001, ALONE, one may think Q focus is solely on young little Epstein. NO, LOOK BIGGER, 997 through 1002, (should we go back to 714, why). 992 through 996 is critical backdrop.


Why extract 'Rome' from 1001, pic is Epstein Island? TEXT >>'Where do roads lead?' ROME is the simple answer, perfectly fitting larger context. CABAL got intended message immediately, not distracted by relative newcomer Epstein and his dingy little Island. Simultaneously, Q messages Anon crowd that Epstein is a key player for Cabal, he is far more than nasty little pimp / sex offender. If you are looking for physical tunnels, secret chambers, look under Rome, Vatican. But tunnel has multiple meaning and one relates directly and dynamically to 'phones,' digital type. Tunnel protocols, think last word of 1002, 'NSA,' in Trump's hands, Cabal's worst nightmare. Digitally 'tunneling' is means to hide communications over the internet. At the price of losing some content space in each Internet package, security is gained. Transmissions may slow slightly because more packets have to be sent. Tunneling is all about secure comm lines. THAT is the PROBLEM.


Cabal/Epstein did not spend $29mm to move dirt into tunnels that never existed on Epstein's island. No island dirt can bury the dirt moving through Cabal's tunnels, lines of communications, CELL PHONES. Epstein oversaw purchase of new cells for the entire Cabal operation, in some manner centered in Rome.


How did this saga turn out for Cabal. Did they get their clever new phones? Did they work as expected, keeping NSA off their backs? Anon in 1408 figured it out. Q's response, 'We are everywhere…" Got to suspect that Anon was Q team. Pics of pallets follow, 1409, 1410.  14012 states where 'We' reach. 1413, 1414 extra little message to Pope. What of 1411, Vegas strip pic, Hmm full of TABLES where money passes mysteriously through various hands. Back to 'Pope for 1000 complex,' 1001, Table 29, as in $29mm down on Vegas table, money laundering, cell phone deal done, no going back. Q not only knew what got purchased and how much but every step of the whole transaction. Spooky!


The only tunneling on Epstein island is cell traffic, with NSA for cops. Epstein got the message too, 'I'm a little pawn who can't buy good phones, 'H' ! ! ! Did Pope have a good month, May 2018? So, why did Q lead with London pics 1405, 06, 07, May 17, 2018? 'The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.' NoName did not last the summer! 'We have it all,' 13 times in Q. Did NoName get bitten or just become a believer?


New cell phones fail, Cabal fails, May 17, 2018 same day, Q 1405,1406, 1407 show Strzok and Page in London but no NoName. July 25, 2018, 1706, NoName. July 27, 2018, Q 1720 to 1727 Strzok and Page in London with NoName!  August 13, 2018, 1861, Epstein temple, elites have sex with underage girls. August 16, 2018, 1994, again Strzok and Page in London with NoName. Texts: 'Badge of honor - military grade,' 'When does a bird sing?' 'Keep your promise. This is not a game.' 'UK has problems.' NoName dead, Saturday, August 25, 2018. Sunday, August 26, 2018, Q 1933 drops, 'Suicide weekend?'


'We have it all.' 'The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.' Do I stack deck or simply pick up crumbs?