I think this needs to be filled in.
Read it an d make your own conclusion
I think this needs to be filled in.
Read it an d make your own conclusion
I'm a Texan and I can read a Tex-mex menu and I know a bit of nouns, mostly food related (e.g. arroz, pollo, pescado, carne, huevosโฆ). But I cannot converse in Spanish and I can not read Spanish newspapers.
Meaning I can shop at a "Spanish market" where English is not spoken and can transact business. But follow along a TV/radio show in spanishโฆnot happening.
The fact that half teh radio channels are ins spanish is an indication of how bad the invasion of illegals really is. Hoping the hear roads will become easier to travel when 30% of the population is returned to their home country.
Rent in urban/suburban Texas cities is going to be higher than a mortgage payment. (800 to 1,500 a month on average)
Most people think rent in Texas is cheap. it's not.
Also many people buy into the "texas mythos". The reality is Texas is very diverse. I love legal Asians and hispanics. Asians redevelop dilapidated areas. I am not a fan of Muslims. I live near areas where farsi/arabic is spoken. Due to IT there are lots of Indians/pakis, to the point whites are a minority because the Indians/pakis are contractors. Also Urban areas are all democrat shit holes- Austin, San Antonio, HOUSTON, and Dallas/FtWorth. Amarillo has Barry's transplanted muslims so expect a muslim politician out of there soon.
Your red Texans are in the suburbs and farm rural and to the north.
The border areas..it's a mess
the rio grand near Brownsville is pretty wide, but has shallow parts. The narrower the river the deeper it is, the wider is spread the shallower it is.
Note the aquatic plants (that's an invasive species BTW) does not grow in deep water or rushing water. (3 to 4 feet max)
here is a fun picture. Note the truck.
Smuggler in the water.. walkign across..
Damn shame citizen militia isn't used to control the vermin.
that's no day old drowned corpse, that far south (Browsville). Nope nope and double nope.
Those bodies are too freash looking. If they were found 30 minutes then maybe.
regardless at GHWB age, he's got at best maybe another 5 years. Already what? 95? What does it matter a deth sentence at that age. BUT the rushed wedding before he died. Personally I think GHWB (and wife) are dead.
Hope that was in Austin.
MSM crys about dead El Salvadorans but they ignore these and have teh nerve to talk about #metoo
From 2014 and under Ohbammy not a peep from out shit hole media (Texas again)
note the map and shows you were approximately teh Elsalvadorans were "found". (another Texas rape tree)
Early onset Parkinsons possible/drug reations.
Classification and Types of Tremors
Cerebellar Tremors/Intention Tremors: Tremor can occur in any part of the body. The cause is damage to the cerebella due to a stroke or excessive alcohol intake or abrupt withdrawal from it. Abuse of certain drugs may also cause this tremor.
Dystonic Tremors: This tremor commonly affects those individuals who are suffering from dystonia and can be relieved by rest and medications.
Essential Tremors: One of the most common types of tremors is essential tremors. They can be progressive or non-progressive and commonly affect the hands; however, other parts of body such as head, trunks, legs, voice and tongue can also be affected.
Orthostatic Tremors: As the name itself suggests, these tremors occur immediately after a person stands up abruptly. Legs and trunk are commonly affected by these tremors. It is difficult to diagnose and treat these tremors as they possess no signs or symptoms.
Parkinsonian Tremors: These tremors occur as a result of any damage or injury to the brain and commonly affect those individuals who are suffering from Parkinson's disease.
Physiologic Tremors: Everyone experiences these tremors. They are not obvious or visible to the eye and get aggravated by fatigue, strong emotions, hyperthyroidism, low blood sugar or abrupt withdrawal from alcohol or coffee.
Psychogenic Tremors: These tremors are sudden in nature and can affect any part of the body. Psychogenic tremors are a mixture of action, postural and resting tremors and abate when the patient is distracted.
Excessive caffeine intake or abrupt caffeine withdrawal.
Excessive alcohol intake or abrupt alcohol withdrawal.
the lib bots are prettyheavy on that tweet. I dont know if the dem's name is pronounce Jay-me like an american of Hy-me like an illegal.
in my own sick way, I want MO to run. Absolutely.
However they have to know Trump has it all.
fairly fresh drowning victim, similar look and looks like similar environment. Notice the discoloring.
I was planning on a career in mortuary science.
fairly quick. If you ever watch someone actually die, the color drops almost instantly. I posted anoterh link to a drowing victim. With drowning victims, they skin is moist and like staying n the tub too long and getting wrinkled skin, the hands and the feet will show this saturation.
in teh link teh discoloring of a mixed race victim is apparent. Blue lips, the feet and hands water damage and the discoloring the limbs.
Maybe a mortuaryanon can comment. But it is possible the El Salvadorans are actually dead, based on the color of the toddlers arm.
I believe Q is waiting to fill the placeholders on patriots fight. I suspect that some event needs to occur before that happens.