Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
Did we win yet?
>Is the Jewish degeneracy finally reaching my pants?
Nothing sexy about fecal matter or the expelling therof.
A heathly (mentally) person knows instinctly that it is a waste product not fit for any use. And will instinclively try and avoid said waste.
Circular reasoning is circular.
This capthca was solved by a bot I wrote.
It took five tries with My current iteration.
Text is mine, not A. I. generated.
Just to prove bots can solve the capthca.
I'm not releasing the software for obvious reasons. But if I can do it so can someone else.
>You're replying to toads i have filtered
How brave of you.
>So that makes the 3 of you turds….
You are entitled to your opinion.
Oh No does that mean i'm filtered too now?? Kek.