Has any anon know whether the Yellow Vest Movement came up in last night's debate? I've been slowly red-pilling my Daughter and have been gaining traction by pointing out the Mockingbird MSM's total embargo on news about this fully organic, populist Revolution which is now in its 32 - 33 week which shows no signs of slowing. Last night she texted me from college and told me that the YVM came up in the debates. In my text back, I expressed my great surprise/shock and texted "Wow. I never thought that they would have allowed a YVM question and was sure that the candidates and the MSM were told not to mention it at all. It will be interesting to see how that exchange is covered in the newz tomorrow". Well, I just tried every search imaginable, anons, and came up with nothing, nada, zilch, zero. I'll see her tonight and get the details of what she remembers. So again, anyone know whether the YVM came up last night? ThanQ.