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SHOCK: Babies were potentially aborted alive to get livers for university research
A frequent reaction to the groundbreaking Planned Parenthood aborted fetal body parts trafficking videos released starting in 2015 by investigative journalist David Daleiden has been shock and disbelief. Millions of Americans watched them, horrified at the apparent trafficking of aborted fetal body parts for financial profit, with multiple high-level Planned Parenthood executives confirming the facts on-camera with callous dismissiveness. An abortion-friendly media allied with Planned Parenthood attempted to discredit the videos, unjustly prosecute Daleiden and co-investigator Sandra Merritt, and sweep everything under the rug. Then, earlier this month, Daleiden wrote an op-ed for the Washington Examiner in which he shared evidence that second-trimester babies were potentially delivered alive via induction abortion in order to get the most “complete” and “sterile” specimens for use in research at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh.
Daleiden described research studies done by National Institutes of Health-funded Dr. Jorg Gerlach (or Joerg, depending on sources), an experimental surgeon, professor, and researcher at the University of Pittsburgh. Gerlach uses both fetal and embryonic stem cells in his research on liver cell-based therapies. In a 2012 study, Gerlach described developing a protocol for obtaining liver specimens according to “current Good Manufacturing Practice” (cGMP) guidelines set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
In the op-ed, Daleiden quoted Gerlach in identifying two necessities of harvested organs in general, and liver specimens in his particular research, in order to meet cGMP guidelines: 1) sterility of the entire specimen 2) short time without circulation of blood to organs (i.e. short time between time of death and use for research). Dr. Gerlach’s study read: “The abortions associated with our protocol were performed by routine medical induction; the labor was induced by local prostaglandin administration. Because we obtained the tissue from intact abdomens and removed the livers surgically under cGMP conditions, the tissue could be obtained in a sterile manner.”
Daleiden said, “The FDA’s cGMP guidelines require sterile tissue transplantation products, which means the abortion must leave the fetus intact, with internal organs unexposed to external pathogens.” Basically, the specimen has to be in one piece and cannot be exposed to feticides (digoxin or potassium chloride) traditionally used to ensure fetal demise during induction abortions of second or third trimester preborn babies. Typically, a feticide is first injected into the baby’s heart while in the womb, and then prostaglandin medication is given to induce labor and delivery of the dead baby.