>most smokingest hottest politicianist
When a pock-marked high-T politician makes the list you know your grading curve is bent too far.
>most smokingest hottest politicianist
When a pock-marked high-T politician makes the list you know your grading curve is bent too far.
>Toobin is telling them 'I told you so.' making them even angrier
Toobin channeling his inner Ricky would piss anyone off.
Constitutionally, census required to determine the number of Reps a state gets based upon % of total US pop.
Zero Sum Game in terms of states adding/subtracting members.
The line drawing is left up to the individual states and the Fed input to the rules has been long debated.
>Supreme court just ended america
No they didn't.
They punted it back and gave the Commerce Dept a do-over.
The only question is if there's still time to make up a different excuse that passes muster before the 2020 forms go out.
This approach won't work.
There are many millions that never answered any previous questions the last time they were on the form.