Swedeish Bikini Team and a B-25 in honour of planefags!
In keeping with "boatfags keep weird hours" there is the yacht INVICTUS, where Lori Laughlin's daughter was hanging out when the College Scandal broke. Currently underway in the area of Bar Harbor, Maine. Scientology cruise ship FREEWINDS is still moored in St. Kitts. Spielberg's SEVEN SEAS is still moored in Genoa, Italy. Hospital ship USNS COMFORT moored in Manta, Ecuador. The small containership DELPHINUS is "around somewhere" as her destination of Port Au Prince, Haiti has no local AIS receivers. She may be pierside or she may be returning to Port Everglades, Florida. We won't know until an AIS receiver station picks her up.
No naval vessel tracks in the vicinity of the Azores. I did happen to find a sailing vessel named TITMO
Roger that. Current vessel tracks in the area of Mt. Desert Island. Youngest track is ALAKAI, high speed craft voyaging from Bar Harbor, returning to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. (yellow vessel icon just east of Mt. Desert)