>>6855353 PB for notable on PTSD
Anons who suffer PTSD need to do research here (pic related). Been researching on this glutamate molecule 20 years now. Lots here to stop PTSD.
I get rid of PTSD for people all the time.
Have a young man living with us now that I just got rid of his PTSD for him by teaching him how to avoid the neurotransmitter drugging in the food supply.
He is fine now. Been here a year. Getting married, happy, baby on way. When he walked in the door last summer, it took three days to wake him up completely, they had him on so many drugs for his "mental illness". His reaction to the food is so violent when he has a seizure, that he has been accused of being violent and has been in and out of jail.
He now constantly remarks how strange it feels to be able to "decide" how angry he wants to get about something.
No more amygdala over-activation. No more artificially induced rage.