What's Q's biggest lie?
I'll say muh 6 gorrillion sealed indictments.
Adult replies only, please. The Trust Muh Sheeple need to stay at the children's table.
What's Q's biggest lie?
I'll say muh 6 gorrillion sealed indictments.
Adult replies only, please. The Trust Muh Sheeple need to stay at the children's table.
What's Q's biggest lie?
I'll say muh 6 gorrillion sealed indictments.
So many without any leaks for two years isn't plausible. Also, why would we need Horowitz , Barr or Durham if Sessions oversaw all of that before he was fired .
Adult replies only, please. The Trust Muh Sheeple need to stay at the children's table.
I'm not a shill nor an idiot. I'm a lawfag with 20+ years experience practicing in federal district courts. Q has nothing on the board re deep state arrests of deep state actors Q has mentioned, unless you count Manafort and Flynn. I've been here since "the Marines invaded Langley.". Did that actually happen?
As do most lawyers and jurors,. I believe what is proven, not 3rd-habd internet posts.
I note the nitwits who call me a liar and a shill can't point to any lie or shilling.
They're just the flip side of the dumbass libtards who constantly call POTUS a liar without naming any lie. Learn how to think and analyze. Try community college again, but just shut up, idiots. You contribute nothing.
Stupid people suck.