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Ramtha's School of Enlightenment connected to the Rothschilds?
Rebecca Oppenheimer Capezio, De Beers diamond heiress
De Beers Group:
"The company was founded in 1888 by British businessman Cecil Rhodes, who was financed by the South African diamond magnate Alfred Beit and the London-based N M Rothschild & Sons bank. In 1926, Ernest Oppenheimer, an immigrant to Britain and later South Africa who had earlier founded mining company Anglo American plc with American financier J.P. Morgan, was elected to the board of De Beers."
"1887 Rothschilds finance the establishment of De Beers
In 1870, diamonds were discovered near the South African town of Kimberley and a huge wave of adventurers descended on the area. A mass of claims were registered by small operators, who lacked the capital and expertise necessary to develop them. Natty, 1st Lord Rothschild decided that commercial success would only be possible by amalgamating several of the small concerns. Through their major holding in the Anglo-African Diamond Mining Company Limited the Rothschilds participated in the buying out of smaller claim holders, culminating in a battle between the Barnato Diamond Mining Company and De Beers, under the leadership of Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes asked Rothschilds for financial backing. De Beers eventually amalgamated with Barnato and became De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited in 1889."
Rebecca Capezio, Chair and Founder of Phoenix Rising School.
"Capezio said TPRS has great science and art programs, an outdoor curriculum that takes advantage of the 10-acre campus and a “mindfulness” component that educates students based on an understanding of the brain.
“We’re endeavoring to establish a lovely culture of self-responsibility, clarity around the power of one’s choice of thinking, and trying to kind of equip kids with everything they might need to feel secure and steady and happy,” she said. “Coupled to that, we also have a licensing agreement with Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment.”"
Further PROOF that Rebecca Capezio was a student of RSE: