>>6859836 (lb)
In a parallel universe somewhere out there a spanked monkey is choking his chicken.
>>6859836 (lb)
In a parallel universe somewhere out there a spanked monkey is choking his chicken.
If dayshift got fired into the sun, in a rocket. No one would even notice outside of the friendlier mood that would spontaneously manifest.
Thats the smile of a man who desperately doesnt wanna pay to relocate the base in Okinawa.
Wouldn’t be a problem if our savior MilitaryFags could manage to quit raping and fugging japanese women.
Be interesting to know if they were the subject of IAD investigations and took the “went to the closet”
way out.
Their placement and rank has got to be significant.
Is it wrong that I enjoy coming here and fuggin with you faggots so much?
A movement truly beautiful that somehow along the way became a parody of it’s former self which now supports and attempts to spin things that habben with rose colored glasses into perceptions no moar deluded and asinine then the shithead libtards.
In order to battle the enemy, you became the enemy’s mirror.
Much like the Proud Boys, Tea Party…. etc.
OG’s walked away in disgust ashamed of themselves.
Now I’m shillin like a villian.
I guess Im a vile person.
Ah well, Ive always marched to the beat of my own drum.