Anonymous ID: 025c62 March 16, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.686253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Indirectly Q related:


Over on plebbit, there are a bunch of oldfags (so old they can't chan, barely can plebbit) one of them has a theory about the cbts ban.


He believes the ban was related to bringing up Mae Brussell ( think William Cooper but 1971 to 1988)


for any that are interested http://


Anonymous ID: 025c62 March 16, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.686349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6459

dropping this topic after this post:


Complacent Beverly Hills housewife Mae Brussell had quite an awakening in 1963 when President Kennedy was assassinated, and again when she read and cross-indexed the massive 26-volume Warren Commission Hearings. She saw that the international terrorist network that had made up the Axis powers during

World War Two had gone underground and continued their world-wide fascist campaign, overthrowing one country after another. America was not exempt.


Frustrated that this vitally important information was largely unknown to the American people, Mae went to her friend Henry Miller of Big Sur, California (with whom she would later brag to friends about an affair). He told her that people can do anything they want if they apply themselves; live anywhere, learn anything. And there is nothing worse than looking back and regretting not having done what was important to you. "Don't die before you're dead."


And with that advice Mae moved herself and the kids to Carmel, California and began the selfless, nonstop journey of political and history research that would soon rock the radio airwaves of Monterey and Santa Cruz counties from 1971 through 1988. Her listeners would never be the same.


While most of America slept:


Mae saw that most anything Americana was being infiltrated, murdered, infected, poisoned, or deregulated. As Mae stated at the University of California in Santa Cruz: "What is happening to us is a classical case of totally destroying us. And by the same people who've been at the top doing it since World War Two."


On May 29, 1968 Mae confronted Rose Kennedy at the Monterey Peninsula Airport and handed her a note telling her Robert Kennedy would soon be assassinated. A week later he was shot to death at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.


Mae's first published article in Paul Krassner's The Realist was actually financed by John Lennon (Krassner couldn't afford the $5,000 printing cost).


Frank Zappa once gave her a computer for filing and cross-indexing her research (but she never used it).


Two weeks before Patty Hearst was kidnapped Mae told a Syracuse University audience that the SLA shooting of school superintendent Marcus Foster was the beginning of terror and psychological sabotage, in the same vein Germany had been subjected to in the 1930s.


In August 1977 (broadcast #282) Mae discussed Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple move to Guyana. She speculated it might be a training camp for assassination teams – this was more than a year before 913 members of the church were massacred.


Much of Mae's March 29, 1981 broadcast was spent discussing the power- struggle within the Reagan Administration and asked who will kill off their team members first. The following morning President Reagan was shot in Washington D.C.


Her countless list of German and White Russian fascist fingerprints to President Kennedy's assassination reached its peak in May of 1988 when she discovered the name "Adolf H. Schicklgruber" handwritten in Marina Oswald's notebook of poetry in the Warren Commission exhibits.


There were times when death threats drove Mae off the air: once by Charles Manson family member Sandra Good in September 1975. Sometimes Mae resorted to recording her shows at home on her small cassette tape recorder and privately mailed out copies to her subscribers.

In 1983 Mae's show was picked up by listener-sponsored KAZU


FM in nearby Pacific Grove. Five years later she was forced off the air, for the last time, from death threats but continued sending out her weekly tapes to subscribers until June 13, 1988 (tape #862).


Mae died of cancer on October 3rd of that year. She was 66.